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Date Posted: 08:27:53 04/13/12 Fri
Author: Officer Torch
Subject: Re: Mongo News: Tunnel of Terror closed due to earthquake
In reply to: Rick 's message, "Mongo News: Tunnel of Terror closed due to earthquake" on 02:00:48 04/13/12 Fri

Yes...and apparently, too many passageways/tunnels were formed, some long ago for mining various elements(to form a chemistry like set) for then youngish Prince Ming. Unbeknownst to many, Emperor Ming does age, but at a much slower rate. There are legends of baby Ming. Info passed down verbally by various high priests indicate he might have been in a Shangri-La like environment, high up in perhaps a Frigia area surrounded by mountains where time basically stood still. His nemisis as a youth was someone named Tyme, which could be... ex Sgt.Time perhaps. It's said they always fought.

As Ming grew, we're told he studied the spacewaves for inventions on various planets, and immersed himself in things technical and scientific, but also...black magic, included material from earth's Universal and Hammer horror films! It's said he was married, had a daughter, named her Aura. We know almost nothing of Aura's mother or Ming's family. Some say Ming visits his time slowing sanctuary to reverse his aging and rejuvinate himself periodically. Speculation perhaps.

I digress....but the aforementioned may be of interest, some perhaps true, some false, but interesting. Oh, I have soldiers stationed to detour those around the palace and underground caves. The repair crew is working hard to shore things up and make necessary repairs...please follow the guards directions....and yes, it seems disgraced Sgt.Time is in deep trouble. I may be able to convince Emperor Ming to spare him, but it will mean a lenthy stay cleaning the fire dragon's abode. A hundred shovels have been reserved should he come forward; failure to do so......well, not good.

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