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Date Posted: 02:44:24 07/26/12 Thu
Author: Rick
Subject: How would you grade the Flash Gordon Trilogy?

How about on the scale of A to F?


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[> Re: How would you grade the Flash Gordon Trilogy? -- Officer Torch, 12:54:44 07/26/12 Thu [1]

1936 I'll grade as "A"
Some of my reasons: It was the first FG serial, many kingdoms, monsters, good actors...leads, supports, and some beautiful/feisty women, overall good story and links between kingdoms, good music in general, some humor, especially with Vultan, futuristic concepts for the time, swordfights/action galore, seemingly Buster Crabbe's peak FG in performance/athletics, an adventurous/near fantasy-like work enjoyed by many.

1940 CTU...I'll give it "B" though it's likely a few steps below 1936 original. I liked the excellent music, fast moving pace, more modern approach than first two serials. I liked the aerial battles. Ming's science and evil weapons were disturbing. Middleton's acting seemed best in this serial; he also seemed most evil, costumes were good overall. Some parts did not flow all that smoothly during some of the second half, and the change of actors for Barin, Aura didn't cut it for me. I still enjoyed though.

1938FGCTU...I'll give this a close third place "C". Too much fluff with Forest Kingdom. Also, could have done without "comic relief" segments. And, would have liked this on Mongo instead of another planet, if anything, to keep in tune with Alex Raymond comic strips. Nevertheless, it was a good serial, plenty of labs, sparking machines, and rays for interest, and most coherent story with the nitron lamp. Good music also, much from Universal horror.

I'd rather not go below a "C" in grading these gems; hence I've limited my selections to A,B,C along with some comments, all subjective of course.

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[> Re: How would you grade the Flash Gordon Trilogy? -- Tim, 16:40:15 07/31/12 Tue [1]

Flash Gordon (1936) "A"
Fast-paced breathtaking adventure and imagination at its zenith. A comic strip come to life, with a mind boggling array of characters and a perfect cast of actors to portray them. Jean Rogers is a vision as Dale Arden, and in a costume that would be nixed by 1938. Arguably the greatest serial ever filmed.

Flash Gordon's Trip to Mars (1938) "B"
This one is approximately 55 minutes longer that FG '36, and might have benefited from some trimming here and there. Happy Hapgood could be corny, but also likable. On the plus side is the introduction of Queen Azura, as well as the Clay People and those cool Martian Bat-Wings.

Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe (1940) "B minus"
Although released just four years after the first serial, this one seems ten years more advanced in terms of movie making technique and technical prowess. Superb music and a great performance by Charles Middleton. On the minus side I didn't care for the cast changes for Dale Arden, Prince Barin or Princess Aura. On the plus side is the addition of Anne Gwynne as Lady Sonja.

Basically I was grading on a curve here, as all three serials are great.

Sergeant Tim

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