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Date Posted: 12:17:21 03/05/13 Tue
Author: Officer Torch
Subject: Re: Buck Rogers comeback?
In reply to: Tim 's message, "Buck Rogers comeback?" on 23:52:56 03/04/13 Mon

My opinion...and with no disrespect to Mr. Ryan Britt, or anyone.

I think we've about milked the Super Heroes to death, and perhaps about it's about time for a possible reboot of something else. How do I figure on this one???

Well, Disney lost a quarter billion on John Carter. Word of mouth is strong, the economy is not good, a night out at a theater can be costly. People often ask..did you see it? How was it. Well, I didn't see it at the theater, but spent more than usual for the dvd. I have the pulp and some knowledge of John Carter by ERB. The film work was colorful, but the story covered too much in too little time (even though it was in fact on the long side). It was also tough to follow. I have some knowledge of this good story by ERB, yet watched the film thrice and was not satisfied. Imagine non-fans opinions, and what kind of recommendation they give when asked.

We are often in this CGI movie world now for action/adventure "stuff"....this could work for or against some stories. It might have worked with John Carter if it was like a trilogy...but, too much coverage was attempted at one time.

We are still waiting for the Flash Gordon, which is supposed to moreso follow the AR comic....the FG comics were l-o-n-g. A one shot movie, even with CGI might not work, IMO, and it might be like another John Carter. FG has too much material to cover for one movie seating.

Buck Rogers, the comics, were still longer than FG. Also, some of what's in BR already has become reality! I like BR, and I liked not only the comics, 1939 serial, but Gil Gerards rendering as BR in 1979-80 TV series (the first season being much better).

An idea...there were some hour long TV series that may be worthy of some reboot, either for the big screen or small, that may be good if done properly. Here eg are two...if you've others, please add to this thread.

One was a 1985 series called "Otherworld" (one word if you check IMDb)...only 8 eps were broadcast, though supposedly 13 were made (five not broadcast.) This was about time travel/parallel universe concepts, occuring when a family of five gets lost in an Egyptian pyramid. It was quite good..don't know why it was cancelled. They had a different story every week.

Another, the TV version of Logan's Run. Based on the movie, but with different cast, yet still good. Today's CGI would make either TV series look quite good, and so-called wrap around type formats could be used, or some equivalent to make sequels. It is important that story content be good, avoiding rapid/short noisy (one after the other) scenes, unsavory language/lust. Good casting a plus.

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[> [> Re: Buck Rogers comeback? -- Tim, 19:52:14 03/11/13 Mon [1]

I didn't realize Disney lost such a whopping amount on John Carter. I did read that one of the top guys in the company resigned because of the film's poor performance.

I am not the first to mention this, but calling it John Carter was likely a mistake. Not a lot of people today can place the name. John Carter of Mars (which was originally to be the title), A Princess of Mars, Barsoom, ERB's Barsoom or almost any other title would have been better, in my opinion.

I remember the Logan's Run television series of 1977-1978. I also saw the original movie on the big screen in 1976. I can't recall a lot of details about the series, but I liked it for the short time it was on. Man from Atlantis was on around the same time and was also quickly canceled. It was fairly entertaining, kind of a live action version of Marvel Comics Sub-Mariner character, but probably appealed more to kids than adults.

Otherworld is one I don't remember at all, but reading about it online I see it has a number of fans to this day.

Logan's Run TV series intro (1977-78)
Uploaded July 22, 2006

Captain Tim

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