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Date Posted: 19:52:14 03/11/13 Mon
Author: Tim
Subject: Re: Buck Rogers comeback?
In reply to: Officer Torch 's message, "Re: Buck Rogers comeback?" on 12:17:21 03/05/13 Tue

I didn't realize Disney lost such a whopping amount on John Carter. I did read that one of the top guys in the company resigned because of the film's poor performance.

I am not the first to mention this, but calling it John Carter was likely a mistake. Not a lot of people today can place the name. John Carter of Mars (which was originally to be the title), A Princess of Mars, Barsoom, ERB's Barsoom or almost any other title would have been better, in my opinion.

I remember the Logan's Run television series of 1977-1978. I also saw the original movie on the big screen in 1976. I can't recall a lot of details about the series, but I liked it for the short time it was on. Man from Atlantis was on around the same time and was also quickly canceled. It was fairly entertaining, kind of a live action version of Marvel Comics Sub-Mariner character, but probably appealed more to kids than adults.

Otherworld is one I don't remember at all, but reading about it online I see it has a number of fans to this day.

Logan's Run TV series intro (1977-78)
Uploaded July 22, 2006

Captain Tim

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