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Date Posted: 19:14:23 05/21/13 Tue
Author: Rick
Subject: Waldemar Daninsky continues to wreak havoc on Mongo...

An armed drone fired at Daninsky, but missed and two rocket ships in the space court were destroyed and both crews killed. Inside the palace, two of Ming's palace maidens vanished and their quarters were ransacked. The High Priest's abode was broken into and some scriptures and other artifacts were stolen or destroyed. Officer Torch may know more. The Gockos are not in good mood.


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[> Re: Waldemar Daninsky continues to wreak havoc on Mongo... -- Officer Torch, 10:08:08 05/22/13 Wed [1]

There's always interesting, informative chat in the Palace corridors. Word has it Ming apparently has silent, small, armed drones now in the tunnels. Daninsky was roaming the dark tunnels, in search of mushrooms, or underground lakes, or anything which may be life sustaining to his people on the dying planet Ummo. Actually, he thought Mongo was Earth, by mistake, since it was close by racing toward Earth. Some confusion also I suspect with other various monsters owing to language issues...hence, Daninsky went alone as a wolf man. Seems he came across Sgt.Time...and Yes, he ran out of time.

Two rocket ships were destroyed...one a Z-O ship, remote controlled type, unmanned...created quite a blast; the other manned...and I suspect Lt.Thong's crew was aboard playing cards with his men. Two maidens vanished, taken by Daninsky. One was the gong lady; the other was the glass ball dance lady, a favorite of Ming.

The High Priest's abode was broken into, various idols were stolen, destroyed, and the sacred gong was nowhere to be found. Sacred scrolls entrusted to the High Priest were viciously torn, chewed, missing or thrown toward fire dragons. The priest is worried, lost his voice and can no longer cackle. Also, his headpiece was severly damaged, chomped on, bent out of shape. Mongonians chuckle now when they see him....apparently, he has a pointy head, and the hat hid this nicely. He's still wears the headgear though as is.

The gockos are snarling ferociously and fire breathing dragons are setting fires toward workers that clean their dwelling. But, I hear the workers are doing well...hmm, or is it that they're well done? Dunno. The noises, screams, and growling have upset Palace events and frightened dwellers. The wolf man like character is still on the loose. I heard there have been secret meetings to oust Ming and allow Prince Barin to take his rightful place as ruler of Mongo, to possibly improve things. Dunno if this will happen though...Ming is too powerful. Will keep ears open for any more info. Feel free to add whatever you see or hear.

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[> [> Re: Waldemar Daninsky continues to wreak havoc on Mongo... -- Tim, 23:24:18 05/25/13 Sat [1]

I cannot add much to Officer Torch's report, it is thorough and comprehensive.

Note that ray guns may be ineffective on Daninsky, at least in any permanent sense.

Captain Tim

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