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Date Posted: 06:02:37 01/17/10 Sun
Author: Rick
Subject: Flash Gordon Trilogy: Favorite Ming moments



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[> Re: Flash Gordon Trilogy: Favorite Ming moments -- Officer Torch, 17:18:59 01/18/10 Mon [1]

Geez! almost anytime he's in a scene! Some off the top of the head, paraphrased.

1936 serial
On meeting Dale Arden...aah!(with tremolo voice)..your hair, your eyes..you are beautiful. FG then chokes Ming, tosses him into chair telling him to keep his slimy hands off.

Ming travels to Vultan's sky city. Vultan appears surprised... says he'd have prepared a banquet had he known Ming was coming. Ming says he does not dine with unruly subjects.

Ming gets ticked off at High Priest when the statue of Tao falls over due to FG. The cackling priest says it's a sign from Tao. Ming orders his guards to lock up this babbling idiot.

1938 Mars
FG and friends are in a stratoled and see Ming alive. We see Ming on the ground from the air. Just seems way different from Palace or lab locations.

Ming does his fire walk...he walks thru fire to turn off a valve...seems even Azura was even surprised.

He loses it near the end, gets shaky, and perhaps scares his trusted Tarnak away. Ming wants to crank up the Nitron Lamp to max apparently not caring what he'll destroy.

1940 CTU
I'll kill them all...he says of various people including his own men fighting near broken death dust chamber.

You...You fool....he says to Capt.Torch having set high hopes for him, but failed missions did not sit well. Capt. Torch was given another chance.

Finally, and something in all 3, Heh, or Heh, heh. (Iconic)

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