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Date Posted: 03:19:04 02/17/10 Wed
Author: Rick
Subject: Re: FG Image DVDs are discontinued
In reply to: Rick 's message, "FG Image DVDs are discontinued" on 20:12:53 02/16/10 Tue

It appears Image is still in business, but they're in bad shape, so all FG titles except the box set are discontinued. The feature cuts are truly collector's items, since they are no longer being made and I bought all three of them.


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[> Re: FG Image DVDs are discontinued -- Officer Torch, 09:37:58 02/17/10 Wed [1]

I went to a large Barnes & Noble over weekend and asked if they had any "oldie" Flash Gordon, Buck Rogers "stuff." I was actually looking for a copy of 1953 feature length BR (from 1939 BR serial) "Planet Outlaws" which I saw before in that store. They only had 1 item, the new dvd release BR ($26+ version) serial with Buster Crabbe. No FG, no other BR, no single version movies, no trilogy. Last time I was there, they had a lot. Some of the movie versions have different intros, some different music in some parts.

I had ordered a second three pack of FG from Amazon last year, as a spare....hoping it would be closed captioned, as it was advertised as such then. It was not, but I kept it anyway...since it was only about $15, and I once saw it on a Friday sale later for as low as $10! Yes, good prices, but features indicated not always there.

I hope if Image or any outfit remakes FG, that they use the best prints AND release them with closed captioning, cc, and/or subtitles. Many of our fans are aging, and hearing loss is common. We'd welcome cc versions. Sadly, I don't see that much interest in this material anymore, except for die hard fans like some of us. Maybe things would perk up a bit if a movie were made. Seems that TV scifi thing didn't cut it much. Maybe a CG loaded movie would help...BUT, do base it on the original Alex Raymond comics...this would add great adventure, action, color, and set it up for a new trilogy. Maybe we'll attract that next generation yet.

If you want FG/BR stuff, maybe now is the time, or you'll have to hunt store bins, or ebay and the like, and perhaps pay out of print prices, or do without. Seems interest in this fare has dwindled...and the state of our economy does not paint a bright picture for some of our favorite films of yesteryear in media form. Rick...thanks for tipping us off. Fans and members..try getting what you'd like in FG/BR, maybe soon.

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