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Date Posted: 04:47:15 03/11/10 Thu
Author: Rick
Subject: Favorite super henchmen and gangsters in Flash Gordon

These fellows could get pretty bad and don't forget about the ones "Buck Rogers", too.


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[> Re: Favorite super henchmen and gangsters in Flash Gordon -- Officer Torch, 11:04:17 03/12/10 Fri [1]

Well, there are borderline issues in FG eg with so many kingdoms involved, and sometimes bad guys turned good...but let's see:

For 1936 serial, I say myself, Officer Torch, though I'm basically following orders from my boss, Emperor Ming.(Besides, somebody has to play the bad guy part in our forum frolics.) King Vultan was nasty for awhile, then turned good later on. Dunno if anybody liked the cackling High Priest, the 2nd one. King Kala was a cowardly henchman of Ming. Vultan's atom furnace slave driver was pretty nasty (aka Charles McMurphy I believe). Thun was resolved early, so he was good. (Of course, we're excluding animal monsters here like the orangopoid, gockos, tigron, etc.)

For 1938 Mars, hmm...do we consider Queen Azura a henchwoman of Ming?? Open for comments. Tarnak gets top billing though. Maybe throw in Zandar. Forest King Toran for sure. His treemen were pretty hyper and nasty in general as well. Clay King was nasty at first, then became nice.(As time progressed though, he hated Gumby shows on the televisor from earth.)

For 1940FGCTU, my nephew Captain Torch, also mad scientist Jenda..he experiments with purple death dust and the like. Though attractive, we should give henchwoman status to Sonja..she can be deadly with her charms, smarts, and manipulative ways. Though not a bad guy, I consider General Lupi a selfish coward, content on leaving back FG. The Rock King was brutal at first, but came around after FG saved his son.

For 1939 BR, Killer Kane's likely top henchman was Capt. Laska and maybe Lt.Patten. The Dynamo Room floor guard (possibly Al Bridge, uncredited role) might be included. Kane's council were yes men puppets, so I excluded them. Some iffy ones in BR.

I might have left some out or wasn't sure where to draw the line...if they would be henchpeople. Any additions, comments, kindly post.

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