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Date Posted: 13:04:17 03/10/10 Wed
Author: Officer Torch
Subject: Quiz Answers/Comments

1.When Worlds Collide. (Books in early 30s, includes a sequel....After Worlds Collide. No movie follow up though after 1951 color film, an early disaster flick. Unfortunate, since at end when Noah's ark type rocket lands, we see a matte to suggest a present or past society. Another comment, Moonraker(007 flick)must have been influenced somewhat, with arks in private Space Shuttles led by an evil guy intent on destroying earth's population.

2.a)Zarkov says gauge tests the strength of the beams which support the city. Bad when it drops to zero.(I tossed in a curve with decimal type clock..could possibly be taken as such as item from yesteryear were it not for Zarkov's statement in the serial.)

3.b)an FG rocketship. Sound is faint and short. (Perhaps it's that old Shick shaver we hear of now and then)

4)False. It's the 1st High Priest, Lon Poff. (It's easy to mess up on this one and say Ted Lorch, but no.)

5.They landed in a melon patch. While we see NY Papers, Hapgood, and perhaps NY radio stations, Zarkov said to FG and Dale (after farmer yelled at them).... sounds like we landed in the middle of the United States. Dunno, I'd guess NY state though.

6.Toran's Forest People felt their King might get trapped inside Hapgood's camera and wind up like the Dwarf People.

7.True, I think, but presented in a most subtle manner in serial.

8.True for the most part, especially when they emerge from the walls.

9.Most gadgetry was in Mars (FGTTM). But while less in terms of quantity, some doomsday weaponry of FGCTU was frightening in a way.

10.Question was regarding 1940s FGCTU... really trivia type. First three chapter openings of this serial include: FG in soldier attire with sword, the new Dale, a shot of Ming, shots of Sonja and Zarkov. (This follows the screenplay list.) BUT, starting with Chapter 4, we no longer see this; rather, they're within The Players list.

11.False. Barin and Aura characters were different actors in 1940 compared to 1936, and we saw Robin Hood like themes in '40. Serial of '36 was moreso mythological/ancient Roman like, probably costumes available in wardrobe from old sword and sandal/Pompei type movies.

12. King of Rock Men was played by native American Indian Chief Yowlachie of Yakima Tribe, Washington state, U.S.A. He was actor and played in quite a bit years ago. Check IMDb if you like.

13.Captain Torch was not romantically involved with Sonja.

14.Ming stabbed Karm to death with a dagger when Karm went for Ming's throat at the throne.

15. Lt. Patten...a patrol squadron member of Killer Kane.

16. Tricky. Technically, answer may be English. In BR, the Zuggs, an ancient civilation, tend to mumble/babble(like Clay Men in FGTTM).Is this Zuggian? Babylonian? They're on Saturn. There are Zuggs, council members who speak English and a group of royal nobility led by Prince Tallen. He goes into jail once and speaks to his Zugg guard in English. The Zuggs seem to understand English orders (Kane's man in an Amnesia helmet gives them orders in English. Do we assume Zuggs talk and understand English? Never heard word "Zuggian" used except in our forum frolics. Babylonian...nah.

17. The futuristic city scenes we see in BR when Killer Kane puts his televisor on were from sets from movie "Just Imagine"....his art deco headquarters building where patrol
ships land, circle might be a Universal model or item modified/taken from "Just Imagine"

18)True. Buster Crabbe played Brigadier Gordon helping out the hidden city and flew with Buck Rogers played by Gil Gerard in the 1979 TV series in a two parter entitled "Planet of the Slave Girls"

19. b)Johann Strauss....we did not hear his music in FG or BR. We heard much of it though in 2001 A Space Odyssey.

20. After 7 yrs asking this, I'm gonna pass the buck to Sergeant Tim to research it. Just be careful with any honey if Orso is around. If you don't mind another shadow puppet show, Vultan may treat you to a banquet complete with a floorshow and those dancers you've seen near the table in that chapter. That day is dark for Vultan's Puppet Theater.

I want to thank those who particpated in this "Quiz" and especially those who posted. Was fun. Still open for comments and banter as usual of course.

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[> Re: Quiz Answers/Comments -- Tim, 19:24:49 03/10/10 Wed [1]

Re question 18, I do remember Buster's guest appearance on the show, though not too many details about it. The novelty of the original serial Buck appearing alongside the current television Buck received some media coverage in Starlog and similar publications around at that time.

I really enjoyed the quiz! Kudos to Officer Torch for composing it, and to Commander Rick for his impressive answers.

And now I have to find out how Vultan's men get their rest. I hope they don't sleep upside down like bats, yikes!

Sergeant Tim

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