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Date Posted: 22:13:50 10/09/06 Mon
Author: Shay
Subject: inside
In reply to: Remy 's message, "Inside" on 21:57:38 10/09/06 Mon

She smiled softly at that, her eyes softening at his words. "I just like looking at you..." She stated softly, her voice so quiet because she didn't want to disturb the calmness that was settling over the room. Leaning over, she brushed her lips lovingly against his jaw, her eyes closing as her mouth made contact with his skin. He was so handsome, hot really and his personal strength amazed her more often than not. He was everyone's hero even if he didn't like to hear it, there wasn't one person who could say that they didn't respect him. She was sure there were people who would say they didn't like him - anyone in power had that - but no one could say they didn't respect him. She lifted her hand to brush back his hair before she shifted a little and gazed at him once more at the same time that she climbed under the covers to fight the slight chill in the air. She was quiet for a long moment before she spoke. "I'm pregnant, Remy." The words were simple, honest and straight forward. She had meant to tell him the day the bombing happened, was going to make a romantic dinner out of it and then pop the news but with everything that had happened in the past week she hadn't had a chance.

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