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Date Posted: 01:16:00 10/17/06 Tue
Author: Remy
Subject: Inside
In reply to: Shay 's message, "inside" on 00:53:15 10/17/06 Tue

(He was actually grateful that she had gone to get juice for Chase and hadn't had to see him struggle to get himself settled on the bed. By the time she got there, he looked as though he were comfortable and calm. It was a complete and utter front, covering the fact that his heart was racing under the stress he had put himself through.. and it was only now that he was resting on his side with his leg elevated that the pain was starting to lessen. He followed her with his eyes, seeing all the little things about her that had made him fall in love with her.. the quiet, caring manner of her, the graceful way she moved, the overwhelming amount of heart she possessed.. it made it obvious why he was going to break down and beg her to forgive his stupidity. He watched as she sat Chase between them, his gaze lingering on his boy.. those green eyes were so intelligent and yet there was something in them that reminded him so much of himself that it tied his gut in a knot and made him worry. He absolutely refused to think that there was a chance that Chase harbored latant inhibition.. he didnt want to think he might have cursed his boy to live with the disorder that caused him so much strife. His eyes shifted to Shay as she reached out to brush Chase's hair back, their brown depths softening tenderly. He reached out and cupped the side of her face, running his thumb under her eye.) I never meant to hurt you, Shaylin.. (He said softly, tone softening as he looked at her. She was such an amazing mother and wife.. and he had fucked up again. His hand brushed down over her arm to her hand, and he laced their fingers together, bringing her hand to his lips and pressing a kiss to her knuckles.) ..I just.. I have so much going on in my head.. and I can't keep it all straight sometimes. (He averted his gaze a little, as usual he was ashamed of his disorder and the way it made him look scatterbrained.. like he was the absentminded professor or something.)

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