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Date Posted: 23:33:08 11/06/06 Mon
Author: Skeeter/Shay
Subject: inside
In reply to: Kyrian/Reese/Remy 's message, "Inside" on 23:04:39 11/06/06 Mon

She nodded a little bit at that, lifting up one of the pups to cuddle with her as Chase played with the rest of them on the floor. She smiled at her baby before she looked back down at Reese again. "It doesn't get easier really, though I gotta say...I remember when Remy left to join the navy when I was seventeen and he was eighteen. Of course, we broke up then but it still damn well hurt like hell and I worried about him constantly. The last mission he went on before his promotion, I ended up going to my families to stay there with them, it helps to stay busy." Her eyes strayed warmly to her son before she grinned lightly, looking up at the girl. "I'll tell you what though, it sucks waiting for them but damn, the homecomings are great." She stated with a laugh, shrugging her shoulders lightly, sweetly innocent despite her words. They were talking about her like she wasn't standing in the room, hearing them send away her boyfriend when she needed him desperately. He was leaving. Leaving her again. Her jaw clenched as she turned her head, taking a deep breath and reminding her irrational hormones that he didn't have a choice, that he wasn't leaving her because he had too but because duty called. The last time duty had called him to Scotland he had ended up in a menagie-trois with two maids...but he hadn't been expecting a child then, they weren't really together then...she trusted him, didn't she? She swallowed heavily, turning her back on the boys and heading over to the counter, leaning against it with her palms resting on the cold marble, her eyes sliding shut as she focused on thinking this over rationally. He let out a soft breath, his brow furrowed a little, his hand running down his face. "It's a shitty time for Kyrian to go...I would offer but we all know I am not a field agent..." He frowned softly, shaking his head. "Now, you can't go, Rem, we all know that. It's out of the question. Kyrian, as much as it sucks, it should only be a few day mission, right? There and back in no time....Haylie's not due for another almost four weeks..." Chase had been five weeks early but that was besides the point. There were innocent civillians that needed their assistance and it was their duty - as much as they damned it at times - to protect them.

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