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Date Posted: 23:43:25 11/06/06 Mon
Author: Reese/Remy/Kyrian
Subject: Inside
In reply to: Skeeter/Shay 's message, "inside" on 23:33:08 11/06/06 Mon

(She felt a growing kinship between herself and Shay.. a sort of civilians understanding of what it was like to be involved with these men. She knew that Gia must have said something to Skeeter about his take on handling emotions.. but his words still stung. It wasn't easy being a civilian, missing her marine and having absolutely no intel on where he was and what he was up to. Skeeter, well, he was intel.. he knew everything there was to know.. and she wasn't privileged to receive that information until it was made public. He had no idea what this sort of pain and worry felt like.. but Shay.. she did. She smiled, then blushed furiously at her friend's words.. remembering the heated words that Braden had whispered in her ear.. about making love to her for a full week when he got back. She wasn't experienced enough.. okay, at all.. to be able to take that sort of statement in stride just yet.) We shall see about that. (She said with a bit of a laugh in her voice, though it had gone soft, almost girlish.) (He nodded, bringing a hand up to brush through his hair. He'd known Skeeter would bulldoze and end the whole idea of him going, but it still irked him. He had a lot of responsibility, both at home and within his job.. and they all knew that.. so why did it bother him that they all respected it so much? Perhaps he missed the freedom.. but moreso he hated worrying about his friends. The last thing he wanted to do was go on the mission and leave Shay behind.. nobody wanted to go.. but he had such a deepseated sense of honor and duty that it often made it seem like he did. Nevertheless, he sat back against the sofa and made like he usually did, stone silent and as watchful as an oracle.) (He rolled his eyes, still pacing, but when he saw Haylie standing in the kitchen he stopped in mid turn.) Oh yeah, a few days. Sounds like a wonderful interlude. (He grumbled, not at all impressed with the smirk that crossed Remy's face. He crossed into the kitchen and put his arms around her from behind, one hand resting on her stomach. He didn't have anything to say that didn't sound stupid, so he kept his mouth shut and let her dictate how this was going to go.. either she accepted it or she didn't.. but he had a feeling it wasn't going to be all sunshine and daisies.)

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