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Date Posted: 12:01:02 07/03/07 Tue
Author: Kyrian
Subject: Inside
In reply to: Haylie 's message, "inside" on 11:44:18 07/03/07 Tue

(Within moments he found himself distracted, and turned his head to watch Haylie as she moved around the kitchen. She was so adorable.. filled out with their child and just a little on the swollen side. Poor dear. He could almost hear her thinking that she hated the way she walked, cause she had told him a million times already.. and he always reponded that he thought it was cute. He saved the page he was looking at to favorites, then printed it so he could call later to set up a viewing. Looking up as she approached, he opened his arm, inviting her to sit beside him while they waited for dinner to arrive.) Think we should pop some popcorn? (He asked her, nodding towards the picture on the other side of the bar in front of them.. Remy and Shay were encouragable. It was sort of like watching soft porn, actually.. and that was just sort of gross. He leaned forward and scooped up the laptop, clicking through a few pages to look at the house next door that Haylie was convinced would be good for the McLeans. He cocked his head as he looked over the pictures and information, picturing Remy and Shay, Chase and the new baby living in the brick house. Yes, it would definitely work out for them.) I think we should just buy them both and move in tomorrow, cause I want a pool. (He made a thoughtful face, running his fingers around the edge of the pool in the photo. It sounded nice to him, to be able to soak in the pool.. maybe grill some brats and play some music.. all of them together. Yeah, this could work out damn nice.)

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