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Date Posted: 11:44:18 07/03/07 Tue
Author: Haylie
Subject: inside
In reply to: Kyrian 's message, "Inside" on 11:20:10 07/03/07 Tue

Her features brightened when he said they might be able to buy something at least before the baby was born, that would be good. Between Remy, Shay, Chase, Kyrian, herself and three great dane puppies, this place was kind of packed. A yawn escaped her lips as she was pulled up and into his arms, her eyes closing for a moment before she let him go so she could go find something to order. "Remy, we're ordering food." She told him, though she knew what his favorites and regulars were from each restaraunt so it wouldn't be hard to just order him something if he didn't feel like detaching himself from his wife. When Kyrian spoke abotu what Braden did, she couldn't help but laugh, shaking her head. The man was hot as hell, could be the most intimidating man on the team if he put his mind to it and yet, he was so 'down home' and southern sometimes it cracked her up. His main loves in life were his truck, good country music, his woman and food but she thought maybe a good prank was on that list also. He was always pulling something or other. Apparently, where he came from, there hadn't been a whole lot of entertainment so the boys made their own. "He could have at least used an unscented kind for my sake. I am going to grump at him next time I see him." And she knew Braden would take off his hat and place it over his heart, look up at her and drawl out. "Awe, Haylie, Darlin' you know I wasn't meanin' nothing 'gainst you." and as usual her and Shay would be just want to hug him and feed him, all at the same time. Rolling her eyes, she let her boyfriend go take care of her personal issues while she flipped through menu's, trying to remember what it was that had set off Shay's sensitive first trimester stomach that week. Finally, she settled on a bistro type deal that delivered, ordering them all sandwiches and numerous kinds of salads and other simple, summery things to eat that would be filling and easy. She stepped around Remy and Shay, turning off the stove and moving the pan so that the apartment wouldn't catch on fire, smirking a touch as neither one of them paid them any attention. "Hey, don't worry about, you two just keep on making out. I got dinner covered. Yeah, Chase is still napping. Good of you to ask." She was teasing though, as she waddled back out into the living room. God, she hated that she waddled.

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