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Date Posted: 23:03:47 05/25/08 Sun
Author: Haylie
Subject: inside
In reply to: Remy/Kyr 's message, "Inside" on 22:48:05 05/25/08 Sun

She actually looked a little put out that Remy was turning down the invite but then he was saying that Kyrian should be able to get there and she nodded a touch at that, pursing her lips as she was being wheeled to her room where they could keep her company until she was fully dialated. "Well. He was supposed to be able to get to our wedding, wasn't he?" She was left alone for a moment with just the nurses so they could get her into a gown and then into the bed with a sheet over her but soon enough the pair of McLeans were brought back in and she was able to speak to them again, though she paused to talk to the baby for a moment. "I want you to know, sweetie, that mommy will make a decision about what your last name will be very soon. It all depends on when your daddy decides to show up." Her lips pursed as she looked up at Remy suddenly, remembering their arguement the night before. Well, her arguement and his calm rationality. "You'll get to meet your godfather and mother today too but we are slightly upset with with your goddaddy because he is the one who sent daddy on this silly mission to begin with." She was about to speak again when another contraction hit and she looked away for a second to hide the flash of pain and discomfort on her face. She really, actually, honestly, really hoped her boyfriend would get there soon. As much as she bitched and complained she didn't want to do this without him. Her tongue peeked out to wet her lips as she tried to breathe her away through the contraction but they were definitely getting stronger and a lot more regular now then they were a few hours ago. "He'll be here soon?" she questioned softly, her brow furrowed as she looked back over at Remy.

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