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Date Posted: 07:51:03 02/17/07 Sat
Author: Kristina
Subject: Re: Newest sluts.
In reply to: very mature 's message, "Re: Newest sluts." on 11:21:51 02/16/07 Fri

I agree one thousand percent that all of you girls are completely and utterly PATHETIC. Rather than sitting on the computer complaining about other girls being ugly and fat, whores and sluts, it seems as if you should probably seek some psychiatric help because the only girls who chirp this much about other girls, are the ones who have the insecurity problems themselves. You push others down to lift yourself up.. That's sweet and all, but take a deep breath and take into consideration these points of reality: If you are dating a guy in the OHL..Good for you, I've done it too. They're hot right? It's kinda cool..And of course, you more than likely genuwinely like them..buttt guess what girls? They are more than likely cheating on you..When they go out with the boys? On their 'ROADIES'.You think they mean a word about being 'faithful'...?No way.. So instead of chirping other girls on here for sleeping with them, how about you realise who the real fools are.. Guys like to have sex. So these girls get something out of it..All you're getting is being played like a fool. And what? you think it's funny that the guys chirp them afterward..UHM..They slept with them in the first place? So are you on fucking crack cocaine? They clearly didn't see much was wrong with them when they were sticking it in...?

Also-to the HERO in post one who decided it was necessary and appropriate to call someone 'ugly' and someone 'fat'..Well I just would like to say that since you must be perfect to have this authority congrats. And also, why do you think guys in the OHL are the way they are with girls? It's because of girls like you who make it OK for guys to treat girls like shit. So thank-you for being one of the most hilarious girls to watch grow in life-one of the one's who let these boys run their whole fuckin show. Tip for you sweetie-you get chirped to. The fact that you are defending these guys is actually hilarious.

So regardless of the fact that..yeah, I'm right..you'll just sit on here and try to think of smart remakrs to chirp back, because you'll look pretty dumb if you don't try to defend what you've said. But I don't care. I came across these posts after being shown by another and thought I would force you to come to the recognition that whether someone is ugly, fat, or a slut in this world means nothing. There is always going to be someone prettier than you, someone skinnier than you, someone who has made more mistakes than you..But that's what makes us individuals. So try to come back with someone a little more intellectual than the previous posts, cause if I read what you have to say, it better be worth my time.

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