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Date Posted: 18:18:40 04/10/07 Tue
Author: Ginny to Linda
Subject: Re: Bidets
In reply to: Linda 's message, "Re: Bidets" on 15:20:39 04/10/07 Tue

Hi Linda,

There are three types, those that fill from the front over the rim like a sink, those with a rim flush like a toilet and internal bottom spray, and the bidet toilet seats.

The rim fill are just about like a sink that you sit on. The water can be directed against your genital area, which is very nice, but you have to fill the bowl somewhat to wash your behind. This style is more common in europe than in the US. It's smart to turn on the water taps and adjust the temperature before directing the spray at your body. There is usually a pop-up drain or plug so you can fill the bowl.

The ones with the rim flush and douche sray are more common in the US. In addition to the water taps and drain controls, this style has a valve to select rim flush or douche spray. The rim flush is like a toilet, but much less powerful. It's used to rinse out the bowl and also warms the seating rim. The douche spray squirts water upwards, like a fountain, but directed against your anus. It's very effective att cleaning. This is the style I have and I use almost no toilet paper anymore.

In use, you do your business on the toilet then straddle the bidet, facing the wall, and turn on the water and wash yourself off. I use Summer's Eve Feminine Wash and it works well. The down side is you cannot use either one wearing pants or panties unless you are a yoga instructor.

The third type is the bidet toilet seat. They are OK, but the water flow is to puny to do a good job. No plumbing required, but not a real bidet. Better than nothing.

As to your daughter, if she can wash her hands, she can (and should) use a bidet.

Take care,

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