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Subject: Re: TASK 3: Using a cultural tv show in class...

Marina Hernandez Vazquez
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Date Posted: 17:17:35 03/08/06 Wed
In reply to: Cris 's message, "TASK 3: Using a cultural tv show in class..." on 14:25:59 03/07/06 Tue

What did X do wrong?

Most of the things he did were wrong. For example, he chose a boring topic for the students; the programme did not have subtitles, he started to laugh at them when he realized that they did not understand anything, he left the classroom when he should have been inside of it helping them to understand the programme, and the only moment when he was there he began to do something else, and there was little time to watch the programme and give feedback to the students.

What shouldn't he had done?

X should not have done many of the things he did. Firstly, he should not have chosen a boring topic for the students and the programme should have had subtitles, at least in English. He should not have programmed that activity for a class of fifty minutes. He also should not have made bad comments about the kinds of programmes they like to watch and criticize TV arguing that nowadays people learn little from it, because maybe students thought that he was contradicting himself, because first he says that people learn little from TV, and then he uses it as a way to teach them English. Secondly, he should not have laughed at his students when he realized that they did not understand a word of what was said on the programme. Furthermore, he should not have started to grade the exams while they were watching TV, because students maybe realized that to watch that programme was not important for them and they could have thought that that activity was just a waste of time and without a purpose. And what I consider was the worst thing he did was to go out of the classroom and start chatting with another teacher, and forget his students, because since the beginning he knew that they were unruly and testy. Finally, I consider that before the students left the classroom, he should have asked them what they had understood from the programme and ask them if they had questions or comments about it. In conclusion I think that he made a lot of mistakes during the class, but maybe next time he will do it better.

What could he do in order to make this class more interesting?

I consider he could have chosen a more interesting topic, for example he could have asked them some days before about where they would like to go next vacation and look for information related to that place and he also should have done that activity in a longer class because I consider that fifty minutes is little time to watch a programme. Another thing that he could have done was to use songs in the classroom instead of a TV programme because I think that songs are more interesting for teenagers than a programme about pyramids. Using the TV programme I consider that it should have had subtitles, at least in English and in that way they could have understood more. He could also have stopped the programme in different parts of it and checked if they had understood it or he could have told them since the beginning that they had to take notes about the things that they did not understand because at the end they were going to discuss the topic and that all of them were going to participate, because I think that to write a summary would be a little bit complicated for them. I think that that is what he could have done to make his class more interesting.

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Re: TASK 3: Using a cultural tv show in class...Cris10:42:22 03/09/06 Thu

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