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Subject: TASK 3: Using a cultural tv show in class...

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Date Posted: 14:25:59 03/07/06 Tue

X is an English teacher who has a group of 30 teenagers in the second grade of preparatory school.

They have an intermediate level and the group is kind of unruly and testy.

His 50 minute class starts at 1:00 PM.

Today, he is trying to help them practice their listening comprehension with the use of a prerecorded tv programme.

He chose a programme about the pyramids in Egypt from the National Geographic Channel because they had been talking about traveling in the previous classes. The programme does not have captions of Spanish subtitles.


1.- X warns the students that they will have to be quiet and pay attention, otherwise, he will not allow them to go home. Then, he makes some negative comments about how bad TV shows are nowadays and how little people learn from watching TV.
Nevertheless, he tells his students he will show them one of the few good shows he could find. He also makes critical remarks about the kind of shows he knows his students enjoy watching.

2.The programme starts and the students realise they will have to pay attention since there are not captions and the teacher is not there to clarify or help. X laughs at them when he sees their worried faces. As the show goes on, X takes out the tests he needs to grade and starts grading them.

3. When the show is half way through, the students have gone from worried to indifferent, they stop paying attention and think the show is pointless.
Meanwhile, X has gone out of the room and is chatting with another teacher in the corridor.

4. When the show is over it's already time to go home. X dismisses the class and he tells them to bring a summary of the show in English for the next class.

The next class the students don't bring the homework and show themselves annoyed and tired.

Answer the next questions:
What did X do wrong?

What shouldn't he had done?

What could he do in order to make this class more interesting?

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Subject Author Date
Re: TASK 3: Using a cultural tv show in class...Maggie López15:50:44 03/08/06 Wed

Re: TASK 3: Using a cultural tv show in class...Tania Cuevas16:41:57 03/08/06 Wed

Re: TASK 3: Using a cultural tv show in class...sandra16:59:11 03/08/06 Wed

Re: TASK 3: Using a cultural tv show in class...Marina Hernandez Vazquez17:17:35 03/08/06 Wed

Re: TASK 3: Using a cultural tv show in class...margarita beltran17:24:26 03/08/06 Wed

Re: TASK 3: Using a cultural tv show in class...Danelly Ayala17:44:18 03/08/06 Wed

Re: TASK 3: Using a cultural tv show in class...ileana17:54:32 03/08/06 Wed

Using a cultural tv show in class...fernando salinas21:20:36 03/08/06 Wed

Re: TASK 3: Using a cultural tv show in class...liliana soto18:19:42 03/11/06 Sat

Re: TASK 3: Using a cultural tv show in class...Martha Torres15:32:13 03/12/06 Sun

Re: TASK 3: Using a cultural tv show in class...priscila21:44:52 03/12/06 Sun

Re: TASK 3: Using a cultural tv show in class...priscila21:48:10 03/12/06 Sun

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