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Date Posted: 16:14:11 03/09/10 Tue
Author: Bob
Subject: SC and other neo-fascists

You really are a dimwit, a typical yuppy punk who demands instant gratification. The current recession has been called by respected economists as the most severe economic downturn since the Great Depression, a condition of which you obviously have no memory. Not your fault, but what is your fault includes the following:
1) apparent ignorance of the largely unregulated investment banking sector of the financial services industry. The 1933 Glass-Steagall Act separated commercial banking from investment banking, but that Act was undone in 1999 by the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, which Clinton should never have signed into law.
2) the inability or unwillingness to see anything amiss in the fact that the decisions of a small number of people on Wall Street who gamble with OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY with no oversight by the federal government can result in the loss of jobs, homes and pensions for millions of Americans. You clearly don't give a rat's ass for their losses.
3) the fact that the most vociferous obstructionists in Congress are a group of Republican white senators and representatives from states of the Confederacy. Remember Congressman Westmoreland from Georgia, who called Obama "uppity"? I lived in Florida from late 1960 until late 1962. "Uppity" was always followed by the noun, "nigger." Westmoreland, it should be known, is a college dropout, so his use of "uppity" might be a combination of racism and jealousy.

When the yahoos at tea party rallies yell that they "want their country back," what version of "their country" are the referring to? Most likely it's one without a black family in the White House. And then there are the signs comparing Obama to Hitler and Stalin, hoisted by knuckledraggers who are most likely history illiterates. Some of these clowns probably attended the town hall meetings last year during which they shouted down Congressmen, actually using Brown Shirt tactics of the 1920s, and not knowing (or caring) that they were doing so. By the way, most of those disruptions were planned and the tactics defined by rightist operatives such as those in Dick Armey's FreedomWorks organization.

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