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Date Posted: 06:50:44 05/05/06 Fri
Author: rachel
Subject: Tales of A Devil Horse:Chapter 2
In reply to: Happy horse woman 's message, "LOL - sounds like my first fight with My chief - except we were in the stall - can you say hel!" on 02:08:31 05/05/06 Fri

my next encounter with devil horse wasn't for a blissful 6months. thats when she turned 1yr old. and let me tell you this filly was BIG. so i get her. all the yearlings in this years crop are halter broke,load in to the trailer,bathe, clip, you name it,they do it,except ride of course. anyway i had heard from one of the grooms that devil horse had FINALLY gotten evrything down except....the trailer. now thats always a hard one for the foals. i mean all the trailer looks like to them is a big black hole with no escape. but with a little grain and some lovin they normally had it down by the time they turned one year. not devil horse. stroking and petting her?i don't think sooo!!! she'd wip right a round and bite you. grain? who cares about food when she knows dinner is in a couple hours. so that day i decided to take it slow. so first i opened the trailer so she could see in. then i just walked her around it till she stopped doing her"oh i'm soooo scared of this thing nose blowing!"when i know she could have cared less if a lion had been there.this horse was FEARLESS. anyway,after wqlking arouynd for about 10 minutes I went and got holly and loaded her up. "see,i said to the filly,holly went in and look she even has some hay.don't you want to jion her?" HA! ya right. like that was going to work. so holly got a free meal and i was still no where with this horse. so finally i resort to the trusty butt rope. didn't work. stupid filly just leaned in to it. so after cussing a sream of words i don't dare repeat, nearling smashing my head in the trailer door. i give up. thats right i give up. but i go and get brent the ranch manager. naturally when he uses the butt rope he pretty much pulles her in to the trailer and slams the door shut.i guess it works better when a 230 pound 6foot 4inch guy is pulling rather than a 5foot 13yr old girl. anyway the point is we got her in the trailer. and from then on that stupid filly laoded without a hitch everytime. Devil Horse: 1 Me:1

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