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Date Posted: 02:08:31 05/05/06 Fri
Author: Happy horse woman
Subject: LOL - sounds like my first fight with My chief - except we were in the stall - can you say hel!
In reply to: rachel 's message, "The Tales of Devil Horse:Chapter 1" on 07:11:52 05/04/06 Thu

So I go to clean the onry (I know thats not the spelling but it should be cause it's hoe ya say it!) critter starts to snake that head around to bite my BUTT! So I smack his and he blows - no remorse - this happens three more times and I finally get his hooves clean and the sadlle on and when he bares his teeth at me I trun around knowing he'll release his breath - and he does and boom - I tighten the cinch - NOW HE IS PO'd. After 20 minutes of trying everything I could to get him haltered I ask for help and it took three of us - TWO OF US ACTUALLY LAYING ON HIS NECK AND HEAD and then this tall guy on a stoll with me sticking my hands in his mouth to get it open for the bit before we got him haltered - then what - they tell me to take the SOB to class! It took both of them holding him stil cause he kept knoeckin me off my feet every time I tried to mount - just imagine the next half hour! Of course it taught him I wont take his crap - he sounds Like he could be devil horses Father! I tell you! But he was awesome on th etrails cause he was so so sure footed and had such a great cantor! Ah, I guess the good goes with the bad! LOL!

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