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Date Posted: 15:22:00 05/05/06 Fri
Author: Maria
Subject: Hi Everyone!!! I need suggestions for a project!!

In English we read this book called The Pearl. Well we need to pick a song that relates to the book in some way. The books about this guy who finds a pearl and is instantly rich. Well he lives in a small town with a lot of racism and people want to take advantage of him. Anyway someone tries to steal his pearl and he kills the guy in self defence so he, his wife and baby run away to the mountains. Well news spreads really fast in this town and their are guys out to get him. He has a plan to attack the tracker with the gun and he also kills him, and the two other tracker guys. Well before that happened the trackers heard a noise and shot the gun up into the mountains, and the bullet blows the babies head off (very disturbing) and then the guy with the pearl and his wife go back to the town and then they throw the pearl back into the ocean. Well the point of the story is that money isnt everything and evil comes with lots of money. Any suggestions for a song would be AWESOME!! THANKS!! Ohh ya its due on the 10th!

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