capt Jaden Smythe
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Date Posted: 07:37:54 05/26/06 Fri
In reply to:
's message, "Re: Cloak and Dagger" on 08:45:30 05/25/06 Thu
::A glorious day it was, the sun risen well overhead, bathing the shirtless crew of the Osprey in its warm rays. The schooner, sitting very low in the water, glided easily into port. A rousing shanty could be heard from the decks. The crew had enjoyed their stay in Westwind, and were eager to seek out the few wenches not yet infected by Gangrene::
"Fifteen men on a dead man's chest
Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum
Drink and the devil had done for the rest.."
::the familiar tune rose into the midday air, and the men went through the ritual of dropping anchor, its Captain standing proud at the wheel, surveying their work. A wide shoulder mate, with white-blonde hair gave the signal, that everything had been tied off, and the woman swaggered down to join them:: We's onleh 'ere fer two day. Nay let me be 'avin ta bail ye out, and doan come back a scratchin yer flea bit balls ::the last brought a roar of laughter from the crew:: Mistah Hanoe'er, carry on ::a nod to the bosun, who quickly paid each man, and then all but the first watch, dispersed to enjoy their short stay. The Captain gave a jerk of the head to the swede and the dark eyed quartermaster. They left the ship together, but once at the markets, it would seem none knew the others, as the Captain went to seek out a certain merchant::
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