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Date Posted: 05:00:12 05/01/03 Thu
Author: Erica
Subject: .his heartstrings?!.
In reply to: .owen. 's message, ".there.is.a.god." on 03:54:56 05/01/03 Thu

Pulling on his heartstrings?! Wouldn't that hurt just a little bit? Anyway, needless to say, Erica was still kind of going through the aftereffects of that shock, that sudden shock that had changed their lives -- for forever. Now people never seem to understand what a humongous deal marriage is - at least not when you're as meant for eachother as much as Erica and Owen were. As wondering eyes lower to observe the action of the ring being placed upon her finger a gentle smile holds her features, so completely and totally sure of what she was doing that it was probably the only thing she'd ever done right in her life. The thudding heart, the shallow breaths, those were finally coming to a halt, finally ceasing to obstruct her perfect night. No, I'm not saying that Erica jus' kind of got all relaxed and all, but instead of feeling like she was about to die, she had just sort of moved to a sort of dream-like trance. And y'know, in dreams, you always say the right things, and the right things are always said. So, to simply make sure of something to make sure this wasn't just a figment of her imagination, that soft voice inquires gently, "I'm not dreaming, am I?" to be promised to such a bonifide sweetheart was just so thrilling, so tantalizingly tart that she was still smiling. "Who ever cares 'bout what others think?" The words were breathed against his lips as his head bowed to hers.. The question wasn't meant to be answered, it was rhetorical really. Always, whenever he kissed her, the symptoms of a heart attack claimed her -- shallow breathing, thudding heart, a tight chest sort of thing going on. As she peers up at him, her brow furrowing slightly at his statement she speaks gently, "I wouldn't want you to, it'd break my heart thinking of you dying." She was deathly serious. Anyone who could ever take such a person as Owen out of this world would truely have to be evil. They were stuck together like glue, and nothing could ever take that apart, not even evil paint thinner. She leans her forehead against his, "I love you.." That simple statement was enough -- it was enough to explain her feelings and then some, 'cause nothing could ever be
more true.

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