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Date Posted: 03:54:56 05/01/03 Thu
Author: .owen.
Subject: .there.is.a.god.
In reply to: Erica 's message, ".certain needs." on 03:20:27 05/01/03 Thu

“There is a God…” Murmured Owen slowly, without actually realizing he had said what he had just been thinking.
Silly boy…
Nearly speechless with the arrival of her bold answer, Owen knew what he looked like; the wide eyes, and gaping mouth that was slowly resorting to an all-out smile. And another thing, he knew how much he could relate to a love-sick puppy right now, at this moment. Her answer, her perfect answer, had brought stars to his eyes, and pulls to his heartstrings… She’d marry him. Oh my God… Erica would marry him! Time to start breathing again, his thoughts murmured. Having not been exactly conscious of it, Owen had been holding his breath, and just now – he breathed it out in a slow rush of stale air. In silence, he gently extracted the ring from it’s case and slid it slowly onto her finger. It fit perfectly, he could tell by looking at it. “I’m going to make you happy…” Owen said firmly as he watched that ring glisten for all it was worth ‘gainst her smooth skin. “I don’t care what anyone thinks, because I’m going to do it… and do it well.” To emphasize this, he gave his head a bold nod before lifting his eyes to meet hers. Softly, he inched towards her, dropping his lips quietly to her own. Moments later, when he slowly and reluctantly had pulled ‘way from her, with his heart pounding heavily in his chest, he whispered, “I’d die for you… That’s how you can know that everything that I say about… everything, is true.” And he would… Owen would die for Erica. He wasn’t just in love, he was in unconditional love. Love, that had no definite ending… Love, that just existed forever. The type of love that never, ever got old… or boring… or over-used. Perfect love, thought Owen as he pulled the under-side of Erica’s palm to his lips before kissing each one of her finger-tips. Erica was going to marry him. And that’s when the realization him him; he’d never, ever have to let her go again… And he wouldn’t. (In other words, Ethan can kiss his purdy ass. Thank you very much. Lol!)

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