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Date Posted: 18:14:56 06/07/10 Mon
Author: text
Subject: Is suicide painless, maybe not.
http://www.suicidemethods.net/text/halfofit.htm this article is interesting and informative, overall it should "persih the thought" so to speak. snip; In Man Against Himself Karl Menninger compiled some 400 pages of self-destructive behavior, ranging from war to nail-biting. He divided these into three groups: "chronic" suicide includes alcoholism, martyrdom, psychiatric illness, and antisocial actions; "focal" suicide targets specific parts of the body, as in self-mutilation, or deliberate "accidents"; and "organic" suicide, where people supposedly lose their will to live and die of illness and disease that they would otherwise overcome. His list, and subsequent additions to it, has been called "slow suicide" or "suicide on the installment plan".(37)
And there is the daily suicide of depression and apathy:
"A thousand people are `officially' dead of suicide every day, but they are not the only ones who are faced with the constant choice between life and death. We all are....We might lack the nerve to commit the final act, and we might not recognize our `sinful' tendencies for what they are, but day in and day out we confront the problem of our innate attraction to self-destruction. We live in a world that encourages the small daily acts of negation that prepare us for the great one. There are meanings of suicide that neither the courts nor the dictionaries admit, but that make it impossible for us to regard those thousand people a day who do themselves in as very different from us. They are not necessarily `sick' or `sinners', but simply our sisters and brothers. And who are we? We are the resigned housewives, the compulsive playboys, the despairing priests, the addicted teenagers, the reckless drivers, the bored bureaucrats, the lonely salesmen, the smiling stewardesses, the restless drifters, the walking wounded....It may be nothing more than the steadfast commitment to sameness. The simplest form of suicide is the act of refusing the adventures and challenges that offer themselves to us every day. `No, thanks,' we say. `I prefer not to,' we murmur, like Melville's Bartleby, preferring to stare at the wall outside the window. Preferring, as I do on especially bad days, to stay in bed." --James Carroll(38)
If you play Russian roulette with a six-shooter, your odds of dying are one in six; if you climb Mt. Everest they're also about one in six.(39) The former is a generally-condemned form of suicide; what, then, is the latter?
Yet, "Life is impoverished, it loses in interest, when the highest stake in the game of living, life itself, may not be risked. It becomes as shallow and empty as, let us say, an American flirtation." --Sigmund Freud(40)
{some of these contexts presuppose the validity of society, the key question regardless "is life worth living" and I would say enjoy life as much as you can until you can't. For me man against himself is allowing myself to be encouraged..... my fault and an opening exploited, it reminds me of the archontic men in black http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=Hypostasis%20of%20Aeon%27s%20under%20the%20Archons&ei=UTF-8&fr=oracle3
say this to all, this thing we think we know is not as real as we are led to believe because one of the things we are reminded when coming into this realm, is to believe. Not of that which is hidden but what is learned as life within a reality based on 5 senses and for some, 7 senses to know the truth of that which is the back end of the front end we, some, most acceptingly inhabit.
You can be so learned in this reality that you are blind to its nature and forever fail to know what it is under the hood steering this reality. You are only aware by others pointing it out but you will never be victim to its presence because you believe to firmly in the glitter and excitement of the show.
Funny thing them men in black, They come and go just like the ufo. They change your perception of reality to that of maybe this is a crazy place and not everything is alright as you wonder of it for the rest of your life.
I know many many people know there is something wrong with the worlds reality and even more willingly accept it for what it is and defend it like its real. But if its so real, why all the pain and suffering and absolute craziness that makes no sense when logic is applied. Unless somethings here from some place else running the show.
MIB is a tool to conform your consciousness to obedience.
Our contest is not against flesh and blood; rather, the authorities of the universe and the spirits of wickedness. Hypostasis of Aeon's under the Archons. Our dependant reality of the rulers. } M.I.B. is the adjustment bureau. I have a trailer post on the paranormal ufo threads of the movie coming out in the fall. M.I.B. is alien neural network mind manifestations of eriee other worldly entities used to scare people and to gather information for a counter-intellegiance operation on consciouness and awareness to that which is ongoing all around us. We are watched, manipulated and situationaly observed .
Whats even more freaky is when they come to you in the formless mode to observe you and move things or hide things. They are as curious as we are about them, only they run the show.
_________________ They can do whatever they want to make others do the dirty work. They run this show top to bottom. They make it happen. When have we lived in peace without killing or starving or some disasterous calamity.) for what I've learned it's been really expensive, it amounts to a mib experience contextually. ) The men in black technique is spot on when the targeted victim is caught un-aware of the unfolding encounter. If you see that movie trailer I have posted and towards the end you hear one of the adjusters say, " we tried to reason with you ". Believe that, because its the end to the beginning of your troubles by an unpleasent occurance.
They can take you out if not disable you permantly.
Our contest is not against flesh and blood; rather, the authorities of the universe and the spirits of wickedness. Hypostasis of Aeon's under the Archons. Our dependant reality of the rulers.
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Re: Is suicide painless, maybe not. -- you know, 05:52:50 06/08/10 Tue [1]
'They' are going to have to cut me in on the action or take me out. It matters not which way the shit roles to me. fuck them!!! LOL but i'm serious, FUCK those worthless archonic POS. They will turn to shit as soon as we creators are no more.
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Re: Does our disposition matter to anyone but us? -- fellow sufferer (be of good cheer), 11:35:19 06/08/10 Tue [1]
If we're nothing more than pigs in the pigsty what do they care about us anymore than you care about the steak you last ate? The key is your perspective, are you noticing its subjective and relative to you, that is to say is your perspective being distorted by its being subjective and overemphasising your role in the greater scheme of things? I know and you should too that individuals are roadkill and don't matter. They have the broodsows constantly creating ever the more victims, given that they probably aren't overly concerned with one piglet in the overall pigsty setting. They've already eaten you alive, you know it. You know how much control they have as portrayed in the movie vanished and the men in black adjusters and walk in contemporaries perhaps striking terror into your heart even as a child inflicting the initial trauma and marking your soul for life as food for the rulers of darkness of this world. So that's the initial marinade of your life's soul matrix basting on the grill providing them loosh, it's up to you to change that and get something out of it and stop feeding them your emotional energy. Ask yourself what you can do within the setting to please yourself, have you ben" debugged or do you still have the alien implant of self destruction. I suppose clinicaly they could synthesise your happiness through chemical ritual virtual cyber steak for cypher in "big brother's broil" superficially for reasons of your being "depressed and getting you help" while simultaneously feeding on the loosh you'd alchemically generate, well enough said, thorazine has proven effacacy in many cases such as this and just may be your ultimate chemical wedding bridegroom, just throwing some ideas out there for you to mull over. fluoride is an essential vitamin of the masses you know and those not properly dosed may require thorazine supervitamins subsequently. That's one way to put a silly little smile on.
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Re: Does our disposition matter to anyone but us? -- vagaries (addendum), 21:17:06 06/08/10 Tue [1]
I meant the movie "Forgotten" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0356618/synopsis not vanished, they do have vitamins with flouride if you search and also the alchemical wedding is worth taking a look at http://www.ask.com/web?q=fluoride%20is%20a%20vitamin&o=101483&l=dis http://www.harrypotterforseekers.com/articles/wedding1.php
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