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Date Posted: 17:37:50 01/28/19 Mon
Author: Forum Admin
Subject: 2019 New Year New Maintenance Open Invitation

Here's wishing a happy, healthy, prosperous and peaceful year to all readers, and to hoping for more participation. No doubt, this board has been all but forgotten by many in Newburgh, but as you see, it's still up and running available for anybody with an opinion to express, news to post, or any words that need to be set free. The mission of this board stays the same: Everybody's welcome to participate, to post to hearts' content (following, of course, the scrolling "Terms of Service"). This board was opened LONG before the current move toward "Free Speech" platforms on the Internet and it will remain the same. Just a word of advice: "Freedom of Expression" does NOT mean "Obligation to Express". It doesn't preclude "personal responsibility". So, as stated, this board is "moderated" and let's all just maintain civility. After all, what and how you post is available to the world. Before you click "Send", as yourself, seriously, if what you've posted is how you want the world to think of you because your posts are representative of who and what you are.

Meanwhile, welcome and welcome back.

And as always, if you find you've been locked, blocked and banned from "the other" board, feel free to post here, and be sure to let others know that this board is still alive, up and running. (And as you might notice, undergoing some modifications. We're trying to keep things a bit fresh.) Since we were suspended and banned from Twitter (for some alleged "violations" of their "TOS") we're looking into other venues to keep things moving and breathing. We'll post updates as they happen. No, we don't miss Twitter, considering who's been dumped by them (and Facebook as well). As a matter of fact, it's rather an "award", a compliment in that we're acknowledged as a "Free Speech" platform (which is more than can be said for "the other" board", to be sure). Keep an eye here for further developments.

Happy 2019! Post Freely!

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