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Date Posted: 16:12:44 03/22/19 Fri
Author: I. D.on't Like It
Subject: Newburgh City "Municipal" ID Cards

Newburgh prepares to adopt municipal ID program

NEWBURGH – The workshop session of the Newburgh City Council Thursday night opened with a chamber filled with city residents chanting “IDs, IDs” in support of the lawmakers’ plans to adopt a municipal ID program.

Modeled after those in the cities of Middletown and Beacon, Newburgh Corporation Counsel Michelle Kelson said the cards would be available for anyone who lives in Newburgh.

“It would provide access to some services and we have also begun to reach out to banks and some of the other local institutions to see how municipal ID cards could be used within the City of Newburgh,” Kelson said.

Middletown was the first to launch the program. Beacon, Poughkeepsie and Kingston hope to have theirs up and running shortly.

A public hearing on the Newburgh plan is scheduled for Monday, April 8.

"It would provide access to some services"? Let's have a list of the "services" it will "provide access" to and let's be sure that those services aren't reserved for legal, law abiding citizens of the USA. One doubts that any such list will be forthcoming & one doubts the validity of any such list anyway. We know what this is about. Voting privileges and Welfare for illegals. If not, I welcome anybody to try and prove me wrong.


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