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Date Posted: 22:40:21 04/05/19 Fri
Author: Achmed Ali Outsenfree
Subject: Newburgh, the next Muslim Minnesota

"Newburgh mayor to have primary challenger"
NEWBURGH – Former Beacon City Councilman Ali Muhammad moved across the Hudson 10 months ago. Now, he plans to challenge Newburgh Mayor Torrance Harvey in the Democratic primary this summer.
"Mayor Harvey said in a Facebook post that Muhammad is actually “a Republican who was kicked off Beacon City Council for supporting Marc Molinaro run against Democrat Governor Cuomo.” Molinaro is Dutchess County’s GOP county executive, with whom Muhammad campaigned last fall..."

I think we all see where this is heading. Muhmmad claims to be a Republican which throws him out of what's become the "Newburgh vote" of supporting a Democrat in spite of the history of the city. And that history can't be denied because it's obvious to everybody and anybody who visits, drives or walks through the place. There's nothing. Blocks and blocks of nothing. (The Dems like to call it "Open" or "Green Spaces" or "Beautiful views of the river and the mountains". It's going to be interesting to see more old icons of Newburgh demolished. The Dutch Reform Church, St. Pat's, Sacred Heart, that unique, round church. Of course the synagogues will have to go too, but that doesn't concern many in Newburgh anyway. Agudas Israel might "convert" nicely to a mosque. Thankfully there really aren't enough "White" girls left in the city to make the impending rapes an issue. It might make a little mark with the Gay population, but there again, there aren't many tall buildings to throw people off of. That's good. And dogs, Muslims delight in crucifying and beating those to death because they're "dirty" and animals of Satan.

Argument? I doubt many in the city have the literacy levels to watch their welfare TVs that probably only broadcast CNN and The View. But for anybody able to actually watch "World News" (something that goes beyond The Record's Middletown and environs), a quick look at France, Germany, the UK. That should be more than enough to support and substantiate.

But I have great faith in Newburgh to follow old traditions. There will be hoards of voters (mostly illegals) cramming into the booths, casting their allegiances, as always, to the very ones who are bent on their destruction and ultimately turning the "Open Spaces" and "beautiful views" even larger, with the absolute destruction on anything standing in the city and the complete annihilation of anybody with any history in the place. Eventually, Newburgh will be changing it's name. "Iran, NY" sounds about right.

Good bye Newburgh. You had a good run. Things were looking up when Joe Mitchell was running the place. But you ran him out too.

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