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Date Posted: 00:57:40 06/09/19 Sun
Author: Gone And Glad For It
Subject: Forever Neverchanging Newburgh

Between the posts to the "other" forum and the "comments" on this article, it looks like Newburgh isn't really the same as it ever was, unbelievably, it's WORSE than it ever was! The filth from the mouths of residents and locals honest and actually is WORSE than could ever be imagined! I guess they'll blame the toxins in the water they've been drinking for all these years but that kind of disgusting filth is genetic. If the toxins are doing anything it's just that they're rotting the brain cells that work to keep people civil. Never mind the murder here is being blamed on "gangs". THAT in itself is a pile of "brown-fields" dirt. MHN should know better than to feed into a false narrative. Anybody who knows Newburgh knows it's nothing but trash and violence, hopeless. But, folks keep electing (or installing) the same old government that fills its gut and pockets, tears the city to the ground and then they all run away (or get a street named after them, maybe a park). Somebody once said that the only hope for Newburgh is to bulldoze it to the ground and start over. Well, in the 60s the bulldozers came. It's never been built back up and the hope is so dead there's no trace of any. Glad I got out when I did. I've been a lot of places in the world over my time and Newburgh is the one place on the top of the list that I'll never go back to, and the more I see of the forum and the news, the happier I am to be as far away from it as possible. Good work Newburgh.


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