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Nice post, mj. Well said. -- Lee, 17:01:20 03/12/10 Fri [1]
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WELL SAID!!!! I couldnt agree more, with every point. -- mkim, 11:37:30 03/13/10 Sat [1]
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beautiful response, mj -- PeggyC, 20:20:25 04/01/10 Thu [1]
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You're right Sue. I have to LOL at those who make DJE out to be godlike. He's a human being, not a god. He's good looking, but good looks are a dime a dozen in Hollywood. I don't wish him ill will and he is a good actor (not great, but good), but he's not the best actor in the world as some DJE fans make him out to be. -- Heather, 13:36:38 03/12/10 Fri [1]
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So funny Sue, but I have to LOL at those who come to a *DJE* board to belittle *DJE* fans for liking *DJE*...did I mention it was a *DJE* board. Now THAT is funny...or maybe just SAD! -- sj here's hoping you find something a wee bit more productive to do with your time. Maybe a *DJE is just ok* board would be a better fit for you. Do you see a lightbulb yet?, 14:36:52 03/12/10 Fri [1]
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So yeah, So funny Heather. Blame it on the T-Rex in my living room. -- sj, 14:38:39 03/12/10 Fri [1]
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ROTFLMAO!!!! Very good, sj. -- mkim, 11:41:58 03/13/10 Sat [1]
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I think we have different definitions of "carry the show". Yes, JAG was cancelled after season1, but that wasn't DJE's fault. It had more to do with the fact that the show just plain needed revamping. Yes, the new ensemble of characters was VERY important to the success of JAG, and when AJ left, it hurt the show. If Mac had left, it would have severely hurt the show, if it survived at all. But there is no doubt in my mind that if they took away the star and central character of the show, that would have killed it on the spot. CBS knew that. DPB knew that and it hurt his ego. Inside -- JJ (Ronda)--I'm sure DJE, like any human (who around here thinks he's a god?) has his faults, but that doesn't mean that we can't still love him!, 08:54:18 03/13/10 Sat [1]
The show was always about Harm and his story. Most of the storylines revolved around him in some way. He was the hero. Even if he didn't actually win his case, he was still instrumental in pursuing and finding out the truth.
The show usually showed things from his perspective. We saw HIS reactions to people, situations, jokes, etc., moreso than any other character's reactions. That is because the camera was "sympathetic" to him. We've discussed this before. This is most noticeable in the NCIS spinoff eps when suddenly the camera was NOT sympathetic to him. The difference is startling. He became a secondary character seen through the eyes of a stranger. We were used to seeing him through a favorable camera that highlighted the fact that he was the central hero.
The simple fact that remains: a show without its hero is no show, and that's the biggest reason why the latter half of season 10 just didn't work and the show got canceled. People didn't want to see those strangers. Even our beloved Mac interacting with these strangers wasn't enough. We wanted to see Harm. Preferable Harm and Mac. Plain and simple.
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Also, I love Mac. And by extension, I like CB. However, there are things about her that annoy, er, bother, um, I can't find the right word. There are minor things about her that keep her from being one of my favorite actresses. I can't really put my finger on, it's just the way it is. I will watch her work if it appeals to me (loved the Good Witch movies!) but I do not watch her stuff just because she's in it because she's not all that to me. That being said, inside -- puzzled JJ (Ronda), 09:15:51 03/13/10 Sat [1]
I would NEVER go to a CB board and say any of that! What would be the purpose? To stir up trouble? I don't have time for that. So I truly don't understand why you are here saying what you're saying. Are you a DJE fan? If so, then why are you tearing him down? Are you NOT a DJE fan? If so, then why are you here in the first place? I just don't get it.
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I think someone's just bored! Idle hands and all that. -- Theresa, 13:32:18 03/14/10 Sun [1]
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Wish I had time to be bored! LOL I have a magnet on my wall at work that says "I don't have time to be this busy!" LOL -- JJ (Ronda)--everyone in the family wants me to do their taxes this year. That's cutting into my Internet time!, 14:31:52 03/14/10 Sun [1]
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I think that might have been confusing above. What I meant to say was that I don't watch things with the sole reason being that she's in them. I only watch her stuff if it truly appeals to me. BUT, the same thing can be said about DJE. He's been in lots of stuff that I haven't seen and probably won't see because it doesn't appeal to me. DJE being in something probably holds more weight for me than CB being in something, because I guess I'm a bigger fan of DJE than I am of CB. But I am still a fan of CB, just not as much as I am a fan of DJE. And now I'm repeating myself. -- JJ (Ronda)--thinking I should stop now. lol, 14:28:06 03/14/10 Sun [1]
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Im in the minority that cant stand CSI and any of the NCIS show/characters. CB is all that to me and she's among my favorite actresses. If only I have Hallmark channel and Lifetime so I can watch AW fulltime. I watch AW thanks to the DVD. -- lol, 19:25:28 03/13/10 Sat [1]
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