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Date Posted: 16:20:58 04/17/11 Sun
Author: JAG Junkie (Ronda)--Now where's that sequel?
Subject: This was such a clean, fun movie! I loved it! I remember back when they had these types of movies on TV (Picture Perfect with Richard Karn and Mary Page Keller comes to mind) and I'm glad to see that they are trying to bring back this type of movie. Inside
In reply to: Lee 's message, "Well, what did you think of "Truth Be Told"? It wasn't the best movie I've ever seen, but I throughly enjoyed it. My favorite line? "The truth is everything." I wonder where we've heard that line before? LOL" on 22:44:25 04/16/11 Sat

I know the concept of two people pretending to be married, engaged, or dating has been done over and over, but I never get tired of seeing it! LOL

I agree Chief that there were a few times when Candace seemed a little too perky. I remember back when she was on Full House, sometimes she would say a line with a smile on her face, when maybe the smile just wasn't appropriate. That always bugged me, but I just wrote it off as her being so young. But I noticed one time in particular here (when she said "I just told them we eloped, we have to tell them") that she did the same thing--was smiling when another expression would have been a better choice.

But other than that, I think she did a great job. At first I had a very hard time NOT seeing DJ Tanner when she was on screen. She still sounds exactly the same, and she almost looks the same too (I want to know her anti-aging secret!) But it didn't take too long for me to forget about DJ Tanner and see her as Annie--so good job on her part! And the rest of the cast was great too.

I still think him being a Senior when she was a Freshman was a bit of a stretch, but I went with it and didn't let it keep me from enjoying the movie.

My biggest disappointment was that they didn't have another big kiss at the end. I'm so shallow! LOL

And I loved the fact that he was so afraid of all the "tricks" Bishop was doing in the helicopter! How deliciously ironic! Haha!

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[> [> I think.... -- The Chief, 19:00:37 04/17/11 Sun [1]

... I would have liked to have seen more "establishing" of her as a marriage & family counselor. I had a bit of a time believing her in that role, only because she was SO perky, and didn't seem to carry the "gravitas" that you would expect from someone in that role.

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