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Date Posted: 22:44:25 04/16/11 Sat
Author: Lee
Subject: Well, what did you think of "Truth Be Told"? It wasn't the best movie I've ever seen, but I throughly enjoyed it. My favorite line? "The truth is everything." I wonder where we've heard that line before? LOL

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[> I really liked it - it was an upbeat, uplifting, light-hearted movie! (inside for more...) -- The Chief, 23:30:03 04/16/11 Sat [1]

First, a few critiques...
I thought there were a few things that needed polishing. At some points I thought Candace was a bit *too* perky. And there were some things that could have been developed just a tiny bit more. Maybe Mark looking at a picture of his wife early on (while getting ready for the benefit) with that "missing you" look on his face... just a few seconds of background here and there.

I thought all the "eco-friendly" comments were a bit over-the-top, combined with the "eco-friendly" P&G commercials. Bishop says they have 350 days of sunshine so they use solar, but then he points to a dozen rain barrels lined up and talks about all the things they do with all the rain they get... in 15 days of non-sunshine... Hmmm...

But when they weren't lecturing us on environmental talking points, and got into the inter-personal interactions, it was quite good.

Like Lee said, it wasn't the BEST movie ever, but it was well-worth watching. I thought it was clever how they had so many relationship things going on at once - Bish and his wife, Jake and his wife, Mark & Annie, Kenny and the daughter, and poor Zoe trying to deal with her emotions. DJE was really good, and I enjoyed seeing some of the same facial expressions I'm so familiar with! He was wonderful with Zoe when they talked by the horse's stall (as he always is with kids), and he was deliciously sexy in most scenes. That kiss was unbelievable! Wow! *sigh* THUD!

Also, I thought it was priceless that he would go from "Suck it up, Marine" to "get me out of here!!!" LOL

OH, and I spent the entire movie trying to figure out who the actress was who played the daughter-in-law... it was the same actress who played the girl in "Angels 30" who flew her father's plane that was struck by the Tomcat that knocked down the ski tram. 20 min after the movie was over, *bing!* Lightbulb! LOL

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[> [> A few tweets... -- The Chief, 00:21:50 04/17/11 Sun [1]

pure_believer: Harmon Rabb Jr. and DJ Tanner. My mind. Is blown. #TruthBeTold
about 1 hour ago via web

THETRUTH117: #TruthBeTold is a really great movie Loved it All Great Job @candacecbure! I'm Definitely buying it on dvd ASAP! Great Job @dannygokey!:D
about 2 hours ago via web

Padhopper: Oh ya #davidjameselliot is yummy that's why i watched #truthbetold ;P
about 2 hours ago via web

ChaChaCher: @candacecameronbure We need more movies like Truth be Told. Solid family values & clean for the whole family! #truthbetold
about 2 hours ago via motoblur

just4paws17: "that was a game changer" #truthbetold awesome Saturday night! @candacecbure @SteffElliott awesome music too!
about 2 hours ago via web

cubbiekevin: Just sent out a mass text of "you're the most beautiful person in this room" -#TruthBeTold #sins #Bish&Zoe
about 2 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone

alexaleelou: I have never hated commercials this much!! #truthbetold is such a great movie. I cant get enough of it!
about 3 hours ago via Echofon

rvwgtgirl1989: RT @iuredhead: @SteffElliott Two thumbs up! Tell your Dad he did a great job. #truthbetold
about 3 hours ago via web

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[> [> I thought he said 325 days of sunshine? And I pretty much agree with everything you said. -- JAG Junkie (Ronda), 16:02:11 04/17/11 Sun [1]

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[> [> Re: all the "eco-friendly" stuff...Chief inside -- JAG Junkie (Ronda), 20:39:41 04/18/11 Mon [1]

Instead of interpreting it as the "green" fanatics shoving their message down our throats yet again, I chose to interpret it differently. I decided it was either a poor person trying to say that only the rich can afford to do all this eco-friendly stuff, or it was a rich person trying to say that "hey, we're not as bad as everyone thinks we are--see how we're trying to save the earth?" Either way is much more palatable for me. lol

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[> I really liked the movie as well. DJE was in great form. Chuckled at how much he had to lean down w/ Candace in their scenes and then when he picked her up and swung her around you could see just how far off the ground he lifted her for them to be at eye level. Can't wait to buy my copy on DVD - it won't have all the annoying commercials. -- Christa, 08:15:30 04/17/11 Sun [1]

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[> [> My daughter and I enjoyed some of the commercials - the Walmart ones with the 4 items in the check-out, and then the story behind them.... We were cracking up at the air horn one! LOL -- The Chief, 10:32:23 04/17/11 Sun [1]

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[> [> [> I agree some of them weren't too bad. They just got too predictable. They almost seemed to become one formula and plug in a different product and that's what got old. I absolutely loved the movie and I am so glad DJE decided to get involved with the project. He seemed so natural that it was like he was just himself. -- Christa, 11:38:37 04/17/11 Sun [1]

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[> [> [> The first Pampers commercial with all the different babies was just precious! I was teary-eyed by the end! -- JAG Junkie (Ronda), 16:04:22 04/17/11 Sun [1]

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[> [> [> [> Oh, yeah! That one was wonderful!! -- The Chief, 01:05:28 04/18/11 Mon [1]

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[> Of all the things I've seen him in - I liked this one best - It was mostly predictable but once in a while they surprised me - all in all it was fun to watch - Didn anyone notice during the wedding/kiss scene they never showed Cameron's feet - We figured out she had to be standing on a box because most of the movie (like the dancing scene) the top of her head reached his shoulder but in this scene they were almost eye to eye- lol -- chris k, 13:02:24 04/17/11 Sun [1]

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[> I must say I thoughly enjoyed it. And surprisingly so did my husband. He rolled his eyes when he first saw who was in it, but like i said we both enjoyed it. It was predicatable but that was ok. The acting was excellent. And much better than half the stuff they put on TV these days. -- Cathy F., 13:12:21 04/17/11 Sun [1]

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[> Well, I liked it. too! It's a pleasure to watch a family movie on a Saturday night. Too bad we didn't see them finally get married...I assume that's where they were headed. -- jenks, 14:21:36 04/17/11 Sun [1]

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[> [> When it ended, I had the feeling that it needed a sequel. Anyone else feel the same way? -- Lee, 14:33:45 04/17/11 Sun [1]

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[> [> [> Yes!!! A sequel would be wonderful! -- JAG Junkie (Ronda), 16:06:08 04/17/11 Sun [1]

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[> Ummm...I have to disagree here. It had its humorous moments, and the scenery was terrific (both human and plains/mountains), but I think it tried to do too much in too short a time. I could see this as a two- or three-parter, maybe, when DJE and CCB meet again, maybe see each other, then go on the "family weekend," then start solving Zoe's continuing grief issues (which sounded pretty heavy, poor kid). INSIDE -- Deemus, granted not a very knowledgeable theater critic, 14:30:31 04/17/11 Sun [1]

The ranch was just so fancy it added to the difficulty of taking the story line seriously. ("A water park too???" DH asked in amazement.) This wasn't the worse I've seen of DJE's other projects (The Shrink comes to mind, and that sex addict one, as being much worse), but this seemed to me to be kinda like cotton candy--looks sweet, but melts away to nothing when you really try to get a taste of it.

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[> [> I don't think it was a whole water park. Wasn't there just the one slide? But I agree, I think they went overboard trying to show us that the guy was loaded. The Old West town was the part that seemed a bit much to me. -- JAG Junkie (Ronda), 16:08:01 04/17/11 Sun [1]

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[> [> There were several places where I felt a bit lost as if I'd missed something earlier. It was almost as if those scenes were in the script, but just not shown in the movie. A little more in the way of "establishing" scenes could've helped a lot. -- Dancer - just JMHO, guys., 17:59:38 04/17/11 Sun [1]

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[> This was such a clean, fun movie! I loved it! I remember back when they had these types of movies on TV (Picture Perfect with Richard Karn and Mary Page Keller comes to mind) and I'm glad to see that they are trying to bring back this type of movie. Inside -- JAG Junkie (Ronda)--Now where's that sequel?, 16:20:58 04/17/11 Sun [1]

I know the concept of two people pretending to be married, engaged, or dating has been done over and over, but I never get tired of seeing it! LOL

I agree Chief that there were a few times when Candace seemed a little too perky. I remember back when she was on Full House, sometimes she would say a line with a smile on her face, when maybe the smile just wasn't appropriate. That always bugged me, but I just wrote it off as her being so young. But I noticed one time in particular here (when she said "I just told them we eloped, we have to tell them") that she did the same thing--was smiling when another expression would have been a better choice.

But other than that, I think she did a great job. At first I had a very hard time NOT seeing DJ Tanner when she was on screen. She still sounds exactly the same, and she almost looks the same too (I want to know her anti-aging secret!) But it didn't take too long for me to forget about DJ Tanner and see her as Annie--so good job on her part! And the rest of the cast was great too.

I still think him being a Senior when she was a Freshman was a bit of a stretch, but I went with it and didn't let it keep me from enjoying the movie.

My biggest disappointment was that they didn't have another big kiss at the end. I'm so shallow! LOL

And I loved the fact that he was so afraid of all the "tricks" Bishop was doing in the helicopter! How deliciously ironic! Haha!

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[> [> I think.... -- The Chief, 19:00:37 04/17/11 Sun [1]

... I would have liked to have seen more "establishing" of her as a marriage & family counselor. I had a bit of a time believing her in that role, only because she was SO perky, and didn't seem to carry the "gravitas" that you would expect from someone in that role.

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[> It was so nice to see DJE back in the lead of a movie. I've missed him as a romantic lead. (Scoundrels doesn't count). I thought it was fun and mostly watchable. They did have a few cringeworthy moments, but for the most part, I enjoyed it. -- Dancer, 17:53:56 04/17/11 Sun [1]

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[> Got some thoughts, inside if you want to another POV. -- Alex, 00:45:04 04/18/11 Mon [1]

I loved the premise of the movie, & gosh it was sure good seeing DJE in a 2-hour movie, instead of like 5 seconds on CSI NY. However, I couldn't warm to the pairing, & sorry but I thought the movie was horribly miscast. DJE is a good looking guy, obviously, but he doesn't look like he's in his mid 30's, & has aged gracefully, & is still hot as ever, but the pairing just didn't do it. Thought he should've been paired with a little bit older actress, say a Courtney Thorne Smith or Jami Gertz, & someone at least 5'7 or taller. He's such a long drink of water he needs to have a taller actress IMHO to compliment his height. Candace, while good, looks like she's mid 30's, & the 16 year age difference to me was noticeable & not believable that they'd be in college at the same time. I loved the orginality, was a good way to spend a rainy Saturday night watching DJE, but the casting with him and Candace just didn't seem believable. Would've loved to have seen with someone a little closer to DJE's age. Just my opinion, no offense to anyone.

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[> [> It occurs to me that this movie would have been an incredible reunion pairing with him and CB. -- Araninda, 10:45:14 04/18/11 Mon [1]

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[> [> [> I'd love to see DJE and CB in a big screen full-length action movie. If it was well written, I think that I could separate the characters from being Harm and Mac, but I'd probably sigh and think, 'Why couldn't Harm and Mac have done something like this in Season 10?" LOL -- Lee, 22:57:38 04/18/11 Mon [1]

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[> [> [> [> Im with Araninda and Lee this was a perfect reunion vehicle for DJE and CB.The ratings would have been higher too. -- kilo, 00:44:39 04/21/11 Thu [1]

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[> [> [> Honestly, I don't think.... -- The Chief, 00:04:14 04/23/11 Sat [1]

... that CB has the "family-friendly" resume that P&G was probably looking for. "Army Wives" isn't PG fare. Plus, those photo-shoots for Maxxim, etc. These are the kinds of "image" things that sponsors consider.

Also, it may have been that they wanted to cast CCB in something and had her on board LONG before they had a story or a cast.

Finally, I'm not interested in seeing CB & DJE in a movie together that's NOT a JAG reunion movie. I think it's pie-in-the-sky dreaming to think that "Harm & Mac" could be "recreated" in another setting, and it's also just a bit creepy.

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[> [> [> [> I believe.... -- Jubellant, 08:10:36 04/23/11 Sat [1]

CB has proven to be quite 'family friendly' for the Hallmark Channel in The Good Witch movie series! So I don't think 'image' would be a problem!

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[> [> [> [> I agree w/Jubellant because ... -- Laurence, 16:41:26 04/23/11 Sat [1]

These photo-shoots have been made long before TGW.

Also I think, than CB did these photo-shoots for fun, show than she was not in RL like her character ' Mac '.I think to remember than she explained like that.She was playing a role.
And maybe for another reason ( I don't know how to call it... maybe ' political ', she's half Iranian )and maybe close the mouth of certain people in Hollywood, etc...
She also said than she has had a call from another magazine, maybe Playboy, don't remember, than they wanted her and than even there was a huge amount of money she refused it.

And when, I watch CB ( maybe the fact I'm a woman, plays a role in it )I totally don't think about her photoshoots for these magazines.And that for all her work ( past + present & future )

It's past 22p.m here I hope my message makes sense...

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[> [> [> [> [> ladies are right about this CB DJE reunion. The lead actress seemed miscast. -- shipper757, 13:40:11 04/24/11 Sun [1]

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Oh yes CB's hallmark series is so family friendly.Love to see her work with DJE again. -- Hannah, 14:51:00 04/29/11 Fri [1]

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