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Date Posted: 17:53:56 04/17/11 Sun
Author: Dancer
Subject: It was so nice to see DJE back in the lead of a movie. I've missed him as a romantic lead. (Scoundrels doesn't count). I thought it was fun and mostly watchable. They did have a few cringeworthy moments, but for the most part, I enjoyed it.
In reply to:
's message, "Well, what did you think of "Truth Be Told"? It wasn't the best movie I've ever seen, but I throughly enjoyed it. My favorite line? "The truth is everything." I wonder where we've heard that line before? LOL" on 22:44:25 04/16/11 Sat
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Got some thoughts, inside if you want to another POV. -- Alex, 00:45:04 04/18/11 Mon [1]
I loved the premise of the movie, & gosh it was sure good seeing DJE in a 2-hour movie, instead of like 5 seconds on CSI NY. However, I couldn't warm to the pairing, & sorry but I thought the movie was horribly miscast. DJE is a good looking guy, obviously, but he doesn't look like he's in his mid 30's, & has aged gracefully, & is still hot as ever, but the pairing just didn't do it. Thought he should've been paired with a little bit older actress, say a Courtney Thorne Smith or Jami Gertz, & someone at least 5'7 or taller. He's such a long drink of water he needs to have a taller actress IMHO to compliment his height. Candace, while good, looks like she's mid 30's, & the 16 year age difference to me was noticeable & not believable that they'd be in college at the same time. I loved the orginality, was a good way to spend a rainy Saturday night watching DJE, but the casting with him and Candace just didn't seem believable. Would've loved to have seen with someone a little closer to DJE's age. Just my opinion, no offense to anyone.
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It occurs to me that this movie would have been an incredible reunion pairing with him and CB. -- Araninda, 10:45:14 04/18/11 Mon [1]
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I'd love to see DJE and CB in a big screen full-length action movie. If it was well written, I think that I could separate the characters from being Harm and Mac, but I'd probably sigh and think, 'Why couldn't Harm and Mac have done something like this in Season 10?" LOL -- Lee, 22:57:38 04/18/11 Mon [1]
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Im with Araninda and Lee this was a perfect reunion vehicle for DJE and CB.The ratings would have been higher too. -- kilo, 00:44:39 04/21/11 Thu [1]
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Honestly, I don't think.... -- The Chief, 00:04:14 04/23/11 Sat [1]
... that CB has the "family-friendly" resume that P&G was probably looking for. "Army Wives" isn't PG fare. Plus, those photo-shoots for Maxxim, etc. These are the kinds of "image" things that sponsors consider.
Also, it may have been that they wanted to cast CCB in something and had her on board LONG before they had a story or a cast.
Finally, I'm not interested in seeing CB & DJE in a movie together that's NOT a JAG reunion movie. I think it's pie-in-the-sky dreaming to think that "Harm & Mac" could be "recreated" in another setting, and it's also just a bit creepy.
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I believe.... -- Jubellant, 08:10:36 04/23/11 Sat [1]
CB has proven to be quite 'family friendly' for the Hallmark Channel in The Good Witch movie series! So I don't think 'image' would be a problem!
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I agree w/Jubellant because ... -- Laurence, 16:41:26 04/23/11 Sat [1]
These photo-shoots have been made long before TGW.
Also I think, than CB did these photo-shoots for fun, show than she was not in RL like her character ' Mac '.I think to remember than she explained like that.She was playing a role.
And maybe for another reason ( I don't know how to call it... maybe ' political ', she's half Iranian )and maybe close the mouth of certain people in Hollywood, etc...
She also said than she has had a call from another magazine, maybe Playboy, don't remember, than they wanted her and than even there was a huge amount of money she refused it.
And when, I watch CB ( maybe the fact I'm a woman, plays a role in it )I totally don't think about her photoshoots for these magazines.And that for all her work ( past + present & future )
It's past 22p.m here I hope my message makes sense...
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ladies are right about this CB DJE reunion. The lead actress seemed miscast. -- shipper757, 13:40:11 04/24/11 Sun [1]
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Oh yes CB's hallmark series is so family friendly.Love to see her work with DJE again. -- Hannah, 14:51:00 04/29/11 Fri [1]
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