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I know what youre saying, Chief. I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt until I see for myself. Considering the orignal title, I'm afraid to expect too much. It could be a funny show, if they dont get viscious toward anyone with true faith...we'll see. Hypocrites deserve everything they get. If they do get viscous, I know how that channel selector works and I will defintely change that channel. -- mkim, 14:30:43 05/17/11 Tue [1]
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I mentioned this to a friend today giving her the title and her immediate reaction was ..."I'm not watching it!! I don't like the word Christian in a "entertaining" TV program." What would all of you say to her? -- jenks-who thinks my friend is offended by the title, 16:39:27 05/17/11 Tue [1]
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I would say that her instincts are probably pretty good. -- The Chief, 17:27:18 05/17/11 Tue [1]
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Iīd say she might be a bit too sensitive. It may very well be this show is not for her, but to boycott an entertainment program because the title contains the word Christian, in my book, takes it too far. -- Jam, 18:33:13 05/17/11 Tue [1]
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Well at least jenks friend is only boycotting....NOT plotting to murder the creators of the show for portraying their particular religion in a bad light. -- mkim They might be Christian B+++hes but at least they arent murderers..right??, 21:43:17 05/17/11 Tue [1]
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True, without a doubt. -- Jam, 04:35:21 05/18/11 Wed [1]
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People "boycott" or "aovid" things for all kinds of personal reasons. If someone is wary of a show that has the word "Christian" in the title, she has just as much reason to not watch it as someone who won't watch it because it contains the word "B*****s". Fortunately, in this case, the show is going to be stupid no matter what they call it, so Jenks friend will be in good company (i.e. ME! LOL) in not watching it! -- The Chief, 10:54:40 05/18/11 Wed [1]
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Of course itīs personal, just as perception of what is or is not stupid is highly subjective. I have no problem at all if someone says "I really donīt like the premise of this show, it doesnīt sound like something Iīd enjoy watching". But to generally exclude everything that contains one word? -- Jam ... my very personal take on things,, 11:33:03 05/18/11 Wed [1]
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Afterthought: Would she watch it (at least once) if it was named Texas Belles? Itīs still the same show, after all? -- Jam, 11:45:58 05/18/11 Wed [1]
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