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Date Posted: 14:55:01 05/17/11 Tue
Author: mkim
Subject: Is it just me?????

Looking back over the past 6 years, at the characters that DJE has portrayed, with the exception of two(right off the top of my head - Jimmy Conlon and Terry Evanshen)) He has either been a slime, or Dad in the family...so he basically portrayed two characters.

His portrayl of Terry Eveanshen, in TSIM was fantastic, outside his portrayal of Harm, it is my favorite. This guy was not a perfect man but I saw his humanity, always, and it made me admire the character, so much.

I know he probably wants to stay away from military roles,
but he is so believable, so natural in every way, I dont understand why he doesnt go for roles like that, he's great at them.

I understand not wanting to be stuck in the same kind of role...but, my question is...Isnt that happening now??

I know Harm isnt coming back...but I never have seen any actor that could snap a salute like DJE and thats the truth.

This is not a DJE bash, I'm just perplexed, I know how great this guy is, I know what he is capable of and IMHO,I've not seen much of it lately. I want to see integrity, I want honor and when he portrays it, I believe him. I want those eyes and that face I can read like a book.

Just now, when I read that his character's name in this new show is Ripp Cockburn....really??? I swear, my skin starts crawling.

Thoughts anyone???

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[> I agree with you. I saw promos for a new show about a military hospital in Afganistan (sp?) somewhere. I immediately thought of DJE. He might not want to be type cast but to continue a run on a show, he has to show his talents and not in some fly by night character. I would never bash DJE, but I am anxious to have him back in a superior character role like Harm or an equivelent. -- BT - really?? Harm isn't coming back, mkim?, 15:56:19 05/17/11 Tue [1]

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[> [> I'm sorry I didnt catch that show, I'll see if I can find it. About Harm not coming back, I really dont think so. I know CB and her husband were talking about a JAG movie, but I'm not sure DJE would do it. As I said, I dont think anyone out there could do it better. I am a fan of Army Wives and not one of those character(though I like them all) has the presence that DJE had. Remember when he went undercover as a Marine, he knocked me out! -- mkim I'm afraid the only place dear Harm will live, is in our hearts and in fanfiction., 21:01:39 05/17/11 Tue [1]

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[> Oh, mkim, I TOTALLY agree with you about DJE's choices of roles. While I didn't care for the TE story I understand what you mean. It was a serious role - not your typical one - and allowed him much room to really ACT. Jim Conlon was truly "Close" to Harm, and Russ Josephson (CSI:NY) is even closer..... (inside) -- The Chief, 16:22:40 05/17/11 Tue [1]

John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, Chuck Norris, etc. have all made HUGE careers out of playing basically the same character in every movie. Other actors are more versatile (Harrison Ford, Hugh Jackman, Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, etc.), and still others are strictly "character" actors who usually end up in scene-stealing supporting roles.

DJE is the kind of actor who should be playing Senior American Military Officers (or other Cop or FBI types) in "good guy" roles in every part he takes. He should seek out those roles and work 'em to the hilt!

He says he wants to be in shows that he can confidently allow his kids to watch, but this new Texas Trash show? Really? "Scoundrels"? That one about the female sex addict? Really???

I watched "Scoundrels" and I thought DJE did a good job with Wolfy, but there was always something just a little "off kilter" about the role for me. Watching him in CSI:NY just FEELS LIKE HOME for him, especially when shamelessly flirting with Jo. LOL

The same could be said for "Degree of Guilt", even tho it was the first year after JAG started. Paget was a guy with a bit of a sordid past who had some layers to him and yet strove to uphold the truth as best he could. DJE always does well when playing someone conflicted who believes in the Truth.

Any way you slice it, DJE needs to get back in uniform - preferably US Navy blues - and get back in the groove. If given the chance to portray the Head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, DJE should absolutely JUMP on it!!! Mullen is tall with dark hair, a true leader, and well-respected by all service personnel as well as civilian leadership. And a nice guy, too. (I met him once at a D-Day event last year.)

But yeah, I TOTALLY agree with you about DJE's confusing career choices, mkim.

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[> [> I liked Russ Josephson too, what little I saw of him, which was the problem with Jimmy Conlon, we never saw enough of him and we didnt get to find out enough about his character, personally. I still hate that Close to Home got cancelled it was a good show all around. I'd love to see DJE in uniform and though I'm very partial to a man in a Navy uniform, he'd suit me in just about anything. As I said above, he was a knockout in a Marine uniform. -- mkim, 21:09:36 05/17/11 Tue [1]

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[> [> [> Hey...Wasnt he a cop in his first series, Street Legal??? -- mkim Just proves my point, he's more sucessful in uniform. (grin), 21:12:00 05/17/11 Tue [1]

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[> [> [> Police uniform, Firefighter uniform, heck, I'd even take postal carrier uniform, if he was a good guy in a good show! lol -- JJ (Ronda), 21:14:22 05/17/11 Tue [1]

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[> [> [> [> Hey, as long as he doesnt go postal! -- mkim, 21:28:45 05/17/11 Tue [1]

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[> [> [> [> [> LOL -- JJ (Ronda), 23:42:39 05/17/11 Tue [1]

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[> [> [> [> Yes, uniforms are GOOD on him... they're even BETTER **off** him!! -- MizChief, 23:56:58 05/17/11 Tue [1]

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[> [> [> [> [> GRABB! -- JJ (Ronda), 19:04:15 05/18/11 Wed [1]

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[> Well, I agree with all of you!! It seems to me he should look for roles that let him sink his teeth into and whether military, medical, or cop/FBI, they seem like roles better suited to him. I realize he likes comedy, but these characters he is portraying just don't suit my taste to date. -- jenks-IMVHO, 16:32:14 05/17/11 Tue [1]

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[> [> I agree, jenks. The bottom line is, it may not be what DJE wants. If he is sick of the miliary roles, I wish the truth and justice roles would show up. I'd be thrilled. I like comedy too, but there is comedy and then... there is cringeworthy. -- mkim, 21:21:33 05/17/11 Tue [1]

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[> I saw that 2 the other nite "Combat Hospital" i believe is the title, & i forget what ch. its on. Also i could never understand why DJE is not on much, such a very talented actor and sooo handsome to boot, i just heard recently somewhere that its awfully hard for an actor of his height took get roles. I wonder why. DJE said on a talk show that he is 6'4and a half inches tall. -- Jagcharmed2, 17:06:35 05/17/11 Tue [1]

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[> [> Six feet four and a half inches.....Sigh! -- mkim His height sure didnt make him look bad on television., 21:24:36 05/17/11 Tue [1]

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[> My one comment would be simply that just because there are seemingly "better" roles for DJE out there, it doesn't mean that they get offered to him. I think he has to choose from what is available to him, not from what he may like to do. I remember seeing an interview with Bruce Greenwood, who was in Star Trek the movie. The interviewer asked him if, having been in a summer blockbuster, he was now looking for work in smaller, more independent movies. His reply was, "I am just looking for work." I think that is the situation most actors find themselves in. -- SeaBeth, 22:52:43 05/17/11 Tue [1]

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[> [> I agree, SeaBeth. Just because we think that he'd be great as this or that doesn't mean that he's offered that type of role. His choices may be limited, and he chooses what he thinks is the best from what he's offered. -- Lee, 00:49:44 05/18/11 Wed [1]

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[> What I find to be really UNFORTUNATE is that DJE is seemingly sending "mixed signals" to viewers. On the one hand, he's Harm, James Conlon, Russ Josephson... on the other, he's Wolf West and Rip Cockburn. It's inconsistent and difficult for viewers to decide if they want to watch a show with him in it. -- The Chief, 10:42:36 05/18/11 Wed [1]

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[> [> To me, the fact that he can portray the hero or the sleasebag just as convincingly is why I'm drawn to almost anything that he's in. It's his ability as an excellent actor who can play any kind of role and make it believeable that I admire. Very few actors have the ability to do that. The fact that he's handsome, a hunk and radiates sex appeal doesn't hurt either. LOL Inside... -- Lee, 11:23:30 05/18/11 Wed [1]

I'm not saying that I like everything that he's been in. I saw the trailer for "Terror Trap" and that's all I need to see to know that the movie doesn't appeal to me because of the filthy language, but that doesn't take away from the fact the David was excellent in the role. He's an ACTOR. That doesn't change who he is as a person.

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[> [> [> For me, I'm not drawn to watch an actor in anything just because he's a good actor. DJE is an excellent actor, and "Harm" gave him the vehicle to show all kinds of acting chops over the course of 10 years. But I think this kid of sleazy character and sleazy show reflects poorly on him. And I feel the same about Kristin Chenoweth, who is professes Christiantiy in real life, yet portrays the worst of it in this show. Why? Why lower your standards? -- The Chief (Not lowering my standards - DJE needs to play heroes and good guys, even conflicted, messed-up heroes and good guys who strive for redemption, but good guys to the core), 01:27:54 05/20/11 Fri [1]

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[> [> [> [> He could portray anyone as long as the show itself is a good one....IŽd actually like to see him as something totally different...like a serial killer on Castle. That IŽd love to watch! -- Jam, 12:33:43 05/20/11 Fri [1]

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[> [> [> [> [> Naaahhh.... I don't want to see DJE play a really bad guy (serial killer type). I just don't want to think of him that way. -- The Chief, 23:28:55 05/20/11 Fri [1]

I *could* see him playing a sort of "godfather" figure who has his own set of rules that he scrupulously follows; an ambitious, suave, cosmopolitan crime boss, yet someone who is "sympathetic", that you want to like, even tho you disagree w/his actions. Maybe he's a teddy bear with his family, or volunteers with at-risk kids, but conducts his business in an underhanded way. Y'know? That's kind of why I liked Wolf West more than I thought I would. He had standards and he cared about his family. Even if he wasn't citizen of the year. But sleazy just to be sleazy (like this Ripp character)....? Bleh. I have no doubt that the men and women characters on this new show will all sleep with each other at least once before the show runs it's course. It'll be a total "mix-n-match" party. Which is, of course, what "Good" "Christians" do.

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