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Date Posted: 10:42:36 05/18/11 Wed
Author: The Chief
Subject: What I find to be really UNFORTUNATE is that DJE is seemingly sending "mixed signals" to viewers. On the one hand, he's Harm, James Conlon, Russ Josephson... on the other, he's Wolf West and Rip Cockburn. It's inconsistent and difficult for viewers to decide if they want to watch a show with him in it.
In reply to: mkim 's message, "Is it just me?????" on 14:55:01 05/17/11 Tue

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[> [> To me, the fact that he can portray the hero or the sleasebag just as convincingly is why I'm drawn to almost anything that he's in. It's his ability as an excellent actor who can play any kind of role and make it believeable that I admire. Very few actors have the ability to do that. The fact that he's handsome, a hunk and radiates sex appeal doesn't hurt either. LOL Inside... -- Lee, 11:23:30 05/18/11 Wed [1]

I'm not saying that I like everything that he's been in. I saw the trailer for "Terror Trap" and that's all I need to see to know that the movie doesn't appeal to me because of the filthy language, but that doesn't take away from the fact the David was excellent in the role. He's an ACTOR. That doesn't change who he is as a person.

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[> [> [> For me, I'm not drawn to watch an actor in anything just because he's a good actor. DJE is an excellent actor, and "Harm" gave him the vehicle to show all kinds of acting chops over the course of 10 years. But I think this kid of sleazy character and sleazy show reflects poorly on him. And I feel the same about Kristin Chenoweth, who is professes Christiantiy in real life, yet portrays the worst of it in this show. Why? Why lower your standards? -- The Chief (Not lowering my standards - DJE needs to play heroes and good guys, even conflicted, messed-up heroes and good guys who strive for redemption, but good guys to the core), 01:27:54 05/20/11 Fri [1]

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[> [> [> [> He could portray anyone as long as the show itself is a good one....IŽd actually like to see him as something totally different...like a serial killer on Castle. That IŽd love to watch! -- Jam, 12:33:43 05/20/11 Fri [1]

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[> [> [> [> [> Naaahhh.... I don't want to see DJE play a really bad guy (serial killer type). I just don't want to think of him that way. -- The Chief, 23:28:55 05/20/11 Fri [1]

I *could* see him playing a sort of "godfather" figure who has his own set of rules that he scrupulously follows; an ambitious, suave, cosmopolitan crime boss, yet someone who is "sympathetic", that you want to like, even tho you disagree w/his actions. Maybe he's a teddy bear with his family, or volunteers with at-risk kids, but conducts his business in an underhanded way. Y'know? That's kind of why I liked Wolf West more than I thought I would. He had standards and he cared about his family. Even if he wasn't citizen of the year. But sleazy just to be sleazy (like this Ripp character)....? Bleh. I have no doubt that the men and women characters on this new show will all sleep with each other at least once before the show runs it's course. It'll be a total "mix-n-match" party. Which is, of course, what "Good" "Christians" do.

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