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Date Posted: 13:05:28 12/14/08 Sun
Author: Matthew J
Subject: Media Ethics Discussion - Scenario #2

Matt J
Discussion #6

Scenario #2 – Should Journalists ever use deceit to get the truth

The ethics of going under cover to report on a story goes far beyond the simple deception involved. The impact of the story as well as the impact of the deception must be weighed.

There are some very specific guidelines for the press’s behavior concerning military matters. Much of the time, these are very clearly laid out, and often times, they carry tangible punishment for infractions. These have changed and been updated through the years to accommodate military requirements.

During the Gulf War, the press was granted extremely limited access to the military and to ongoing operations. This was the result of emerging technology and a lack of coherent policies. By the beginning of the second Gulf War, there were procedures established that created a mutually beneficial environment for the military and for the media.

Deception has always been a part of military operations, and the press has been at the forefront of that deception many times. During the Second World War, the military used the press as a tool of deception on numerous occasions, the most famous being the deception leading up the D-Day landings at Normadie.

Of course, the military’s use of deception does not excuse questionable ethical behavior in others. However, the questions that need to be raised are what positive and negative impacts surround such reporting and would it matter if it were an industry rather than the military?

If a reporter went under cover to discover and expose abuses at a factory, it would generally be seen as courageous and selfless. If the same reporter broke into managerial offices or coerced others to get the information, it would be criminal. Simply working the assembly line and gathering information that would be freely available to employees raises no ethical concerns.

Going undercover at Dover can be viewed in a similar manner. Any civilian can apply for the mortician job and any information they learn could be discussed with friends. This excludes any specific requirements of secrecy. Of course, there is a difference between a media report and private citizens talking casually.

Reporting on casualties from the Gulf War does not endanger military personnel, nor does it betray national security. Information that does need such protection will not be easily obtained by anyone taking a support job at a military base.

Reporting stories can be a difficult position between doing what it is legally right and what is morally right. The military now has a much more evolved manner of dealing with the press. This helps set legal and ethical boundaries for the press as well as providing greater coverage of military events.

Ultimately, deceit can be a beneficial tool for journalists. This tool must be used carefully because it can easily spiral out of control. However, used safely and correctly, it can be a powerful tool for uncovering and reporting the truth.

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