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Date Posted: 16:20:24 12/14/08 Sun
Author: Kim McCarter
Subject: Media Ethics Discussion-Scenario #1

Scenario #1 Kiss and Tell: Publishing details of a mayor's personal life
The Windsor Star's decision: When is the mayor's relationship with his secretary a legitimate
part of a story?
By Marty Beneteau and Richard Brennan, Reporters, The Windsor Star

In this type of world, everyone is always waiting for a good read. A story that they can follow, a story that will occupy their free time as their reading the daily newspaper; Gossip, or drama that will feed their imaginations even if it's only for a small amount of time. In this type of situation, it was not ethical for Beneteau to publish any such rumors or innuendo and potentially ruin a persons life; Not only is he a person like everyone else, but a person that is under watch 24/7 due to his position in the media's light.

What had started this rumor was the simple fact that Mayor David Burr had separated from his wife, which was published in The Star. Not only is this information private, but this is the type of information that will create a good story which will in turn generate income for the newspaper company printing it. Shortly after, it was found out that Mayor Burr would be venturing out of the states for a trade mission, and tagging along would be his secretary Kim Wilson. The fact that his secretary was also going on the trip is not enough information to publish a story about him potentially hiding a scandal from his wife, therefore leading to the separation. For one, this is personal information that was getting exploited to a degree that it started a rumor that could possibly ruin Mayor Burr's career. Not only is he a representative for the people, but to some he may be considered a role model. The people that may look up to him would not like to hear such a rumor being exploded into some sort of accusation. There was no such evidence that anything of these sorts has occurred, therefore making Beneteau nothing more than a reporter starting nasty rumors hoping it will make the headlines.

Although Beneteau seemed as if he a great reporter, he then realized "Although all his instincts as a 10-year reporter told him the alleged relationship was pertinent to the Far East mission, Beneteau realized that this was not an element to the story that could be tossed in without some serious consideration."(Indiana) This statement clearly shows that he did not have pertinent information to expose 2 peoples lives into the media. Not only will he be questioned for publishing a story of such belittlement, but the newspaper he works for will also be questioned and criticized for letting someone publish a rumor about a person of such higher stature.

Ethically, this should have never happened in the first place. A persons personal life should not be broadcasted, especially if it's considered a rumor. Although Mayor Burr and Kim Wilson denied any accusations that arouse, they did in fact end up getting engaged. "Despite the mayor’s continued denials that there was anything between them, on Oct. 29, 1988, after announcing he would not run for re-election, Burr and Wilson tied the knot."(Indiana) Although the rumor ended up being true, Burr did not want his personal life displayed for all of his constituents to see and to judge him for. Not only did the scandal make his life harder but he also decided not to run for mayor again therefore possibly jeopardizing a job that he may have loved. Beneteau should not have published the story because it was not ethical for him to do so. Someones personal life should remain behind closed doors, and no skeletons should be exposed to the media where it could possibly get blown out of proportion and therefore ruining someones life. Rumors are just that, rumors and since there was no hard evidence of a scandal between the two the story should have stayed behind closed doors and out of the eye of his constituents. Ethics should be closely followed in all aspects of life because you may end up hurting someone, or making someone resign from a job because they don't feel comfortable portraying certain aspects of their lives into the spotlight.

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