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Date Posted: 21:40:15 06/17/08 Tue
Author: john f
Subject: Re: Thank you Bruce and Harold...true gay brothers!
In reply to: John F "in my opinion" 's message, "Thank you Bruce and Harold...true gay brothers!" on 21:37:59 06/17/08 Tue

>Hey guys and girls,
> I used to write the column "in my opinon" for
>glbt news.....and I went to the Gay Pride parade last
>week..after being out of the loop for a while. I was
>supporting Steve Driehaus for Congress...go Steve!!
>and I lost my cell phone and wallet. Till I got a
>call and got my cell phone returned and a message
>today from Harold who was given my wallet to my Bruce
>Bruce....you and Harold are incredible gay
>brothers....and I .
>.'t thank you enough for making my life easier.
>As luck would have it....I was so mad I lost my stuff
>I went home and took a nap....and then went back out
>to Northside later...and I met Michael..and we're
>going camping in Indiana this weekend!!!! Gay Pride is
> In case I haven't told you before Bruce
>Beisner...I think you're an incredible advocate for
>our community and it figures you're the one to find my
>wallet! And Harold...thank you for letting me hug you
>when you met me !!
>I met a guy and we're going camping this weekend. I
>wouldn't have met him if I hadn't lost my wallet.
>Thank Gop for Gay brotherhood.
> I don't want any of my gay brothers and sisters
>in this city to ever forget how much I got your back.
>Bruce and Harold had my back. I won't ever f'ng
>forget it!!!!!!!!! Loving you Bruce. Loving you
>Harold. Loving you all. That's John F's opinion for

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