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Date Posted: 10:34:28 01/03/09 Sat
Author: Dart
Subject: Re: Catchin' up and stuff.......
In reply to: J1 's message, "Re: Catchin' up and stuff......." on 00:02:08 01/03/09 Sat

Glad to hear you guys are staying busy. I've been mostly just chasing problems on the '62 to keep it on the road. It was making a weird, vibrating grunt at about 25 mph and up, so I thought maybe a converter bolt had come loose or a wheel bearing was going out on the right front. I've had some bearings squeak and some grunt, so what the hell. I put the beast up on jack stands and started looking around. The wheel bearing was fine, (repacked it and put it back in), but the transmission was trying to escape! The bell housing bolts on the passenger side had somehow loosened up and there was a 3/16" gap between the tranny and the block!!!! Yikes! I tightened that up and started looking for other loose shit. On the cross member where my torsion bars attach, the passenger side nut had loosened and the cross member had dropped about 1/2". DOUBLE YIKES!! That would have been ugly! So, I spent about an hour just going through the whole truck, tightening shit and double checking. I also gave it a full chassis lube while I had it up in the air. Next step is to try to figure out how to get my rusty ass spring retaining bolts out of the rear end so I can install my Chevelle springs and get the ass end of the thing down. That's about it for my adventures.

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