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Date Posted: Sat April 14, 2007 00:05:11
Author: Comicality
Subject: A New Dark Question...
When one crosses over into darkness, they are forced to leave the old world behind and adopt an entirely new life. But in darkness, the different groups, activities, lifestyles...are an entirely different experience. If you were a vampire, what exactly would you do?
Would you join a 'tribe' of other vamps like Justin and Taryn did? Would you go underground and write scriptures for the masses? Would you become a blood dealer to help vampires with their transition and cure their bloodlust? Maybe you'd deal 'spice' and make a pretty penny off of it, or become a club going partyboy. You could archive scriptures at a library, or compete in fighting arenas, or become a hunter, or join the vampire mafia, or run a sanctuary for those on the run. There are bounty hunters, assassins, raiders, scavengers, rock bands, street informants, bodyguards, hemoslug development and care, club owners, wealthy businessmen, revolutionaries...there are plenty of groups and ways of life that you can become a part of. Which one do you think would suit you?
Eternity is a looooooong long time! you're gonna have to busy yourself with SOMETHING! :)
Hell...you might come up with something all on your own that I haven't even thought of yet!
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- My Answer Would have to be....... -- Obsidian_eyes, Sat April 14, 2007 00:42:48
- A traveling salesman -- Mad Bomber, Sat April 14, 2007 07:54:23
- Partyboy -- Terry, Sun April 15, 2007 00:51:49
- My answer... -- Sephiroth2500, Mon April 16, 2007 00:43:51
- Batman. I'd be a badass vampire Batman. -- wrathofmagneto, Mon April 16, 2007 23:45:24
- Even though it might seem overambitious.... -- Comicality, Wed April 18, 2007 06:36:33
- Make the world a better place...period -- Sardon, Mon April 23, 2007 21:03:05
- An eternity for perfection -- Tenken, Sat July 07, 2007 22:55:43
- I don't think I could resist becoming a party animal to be honest :) (NT) -- Infinity, Tue July 10, 2007 18:04:42
- It would depend.... -- Silverflash, Thu July 12, 2007 13:39:13