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Date Posted: Thu July 19, 2007 15:29:26
Author: Mad Bomber
Subject: Definitely a Leader...
In reply to: Comicality 's message, "Dark Question: July 16th" on Mon July 16, 2007 02:45:43

I've been put in the position to take charge many times during my life experiences so far and I seem to do well when in charge of others. I know that might sound conceited, but I am a very modest person in reality. I would never say something like that to someone I know in "real life." Whenever in the position to be a leader I generally try to do it with the philosophy of: Get people to work with you, not for you. If you can make people think that the actions they perform will benefit them and the group as a whole while making their task seem important, however mundane it may be, is very important when dealing with others. That might be a little off topic, but somehow it seemed to fit.

That said, I think it would be something like I have written into my story, A Circles End (yes I know, it's been a very long time since I've posted anything and no I don't have anything to add right now, hehe). My characters are about to go off on their own. In my story it will start off with just two or three of them. I guess if you are going to start your own tribe it would probably start out with two or three like-minded people and then grow from there. I don't think there has to be a general rule as to how many you add, as long as it's not uncomfortable. Everyone in the group would be able to seek out new additions and the group as a whole should decide who can join.

That said, I want to say something about where we would stay. One thing I've always had a problem with when it comes to GFD is the whole living in a junk yard thing. Why don't they have any money? Logically, to me anyway, if you can come to terms with killing people to stay alive, I think stealing a little cash from time to time would be no big deal. With the power that they have, I would think they could break into an ATM machine or something every so often and do pretty well for themselves. And, if you're going to be around for a possible eternity or at least a century, I would think you'd be able to stash some of that money in stocks and such under false names and make even more money. Over time, I don't think cash would be such an issue. I guess I'm saying that I would steal enough money, not from individuals, but from banks or something like that who are insured (I do have some morals), and find a secluded piece of land somewhere for my tribe to live. Find a nice big house, possibly just a normal size house with room to build down into the earth (where it's nice and dark) and live comfortably with some luxury.

Anyway, that's my addition to the topic. And just so we're clear, I would change GFD for anything, I love the story and hope to see it published in the future. All right, later guys, Me.

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