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Date Posted: Mon July 23, 2007 05:41:21
Author: Comicality
Subject: Dark Question: July 23rd

If you were now a permanent part of the darkness, a true vampire, but didn't have someone to spend eternity with...where would you look for one?

Would you attempt to find someone among the human population and bring them into darkness with you? Would you maybe, find a human, and let them keep their life, only to grow old and pass on later? Would you try to find 'many' lovers and friendships over time, moving from one to the other with no real attachments? Or would you try to find another vampire, such as yourself? Alone, without a second half. Or perhaps you would prefer to stay solo, without a mate at all? Who knows?

But if you were searching for someone else...could you ask them to give up their life to be with you? Could you bear watching them die as their mortal body withered in front of your eyes? And if they were a vampire already, you could assume that they must have had a sire somewhere? Are they all paired up already? Committed? Could you find a vampire that suits you?

Let us know what you think and why....

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