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Date Posted: Thu August 23, 2007 03:29:58
Author: Comicality
Subject: Hehehe, the dates...
In reply to: Undecided (Now Irony) 's message, "Dates..?" on Wed August 15, 2007 12:54:01

There are a lot of long time mistakes concerning the time periods in the story, and most of them come from the fact that most of these ideas and characters were written and developed back in 1999, and many of those plot points are still necessary to tell the story. BUT...as time went on, a lot of other parts were added that were much more current, so they don't match. For example, Taryn, Trevor, and some of the others have been a vampire for a decade, give or take a few years. But Taryn and Trevor (especially) are children of the late 80's. If the story were current to what's going on now, they would have been children of the 90's instead. They probably wouldn't remember Howard The Duck, Corey Haim, The Lost Boys, or Showbiz Pizza. Hehehe! Also, a little tidbit...Navy Pier has been in Chicago since before WW II I believe, but didn't become a tourist attraction until about 1996-1997. So there was no ferris wheel or jugglers or shows on Navy Pier until long after Taryn was turned. So Taryn's Song's timeline is slightly altered as well.

Will I ever be able to fix it in editing? Maybe, who knows? I could easily just say that Taryn is 20 years into his crossover instead of 10, and then get rid of the dates in his diary. But we'll see. I'm still holding on to the "Gone From Daylight: Re-VAMPed" edition of the story where extra scenes were added and mistakes were corrected. I would really love to print out copies and sell them in chapters for folks to buy in book form! We'll see how it goes when the whole story is finished and all corrections are made. When it's done, there will be notes, and deleted scenes, and character profiles...I'd really love for it to be a complete release. But first...I've gotta finish the damn thing! Hehehe!

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