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Date Posted: Tue August 28, 2007 18:26:35
Author: black dahlia
Subject: Please no...
In reply to: Comicality 's message, "YES! That's her! Thank you!" on Thu August 23, 2007 03:34:29

If you get dawn from buffy to play Rain I might actually have to kill myself. That girl was SO annoying and whiney as hell. And IMO Rain is DEFINITELY not whiney. No Femme Fetale should EVER be whiney. Please don't get dawn... *pout*

And can you really see her as a goth? I just can't picture her in knee high New Rocks and a slutty PVC outfit with black make up, hanging herself from a car with slit marks all up her wrists. She's just far too... innocent maybe? to bee a goth I think. And do you really think she'd do that to her hair? or have the piercings? No, she would not be a good choice.

Plus, she really can't sing. I dunno why thats important, but it seems worth mentioning. I mean, if you were trying to do a GFD musical with her as Rain you would be screwed. But I doubt you would EVER make a GFD musical.

Or would you? It could be kinda cool. I can't really see rain singing in a musical, but maybe some of the others. Like, I can imagine Justin and Taryn singing a cutesy song together, but having it like in Grease where they're both actually on their own but singing different parts of the same song that show how they feel about each other, with the camera cutting from one to the other for each of their parts. That would be kinda cool. And on that first night where Taryn meets Justin, after he leaves it could show him bursting into song about how he misses the sun and he doesn't want to drag Justin into the darkness. OOH, and maybe there could be like a stakeout montage when it shows the chasers following Justin... and the fight scenes could be interspersed with dance moves whilst Justin sings some monologue about the darkness and having to kill people... like that first scene in the buffy musical in the graveyard!! What do we think, a gfd musical? or would that really be the worst idea in the history of the entire world??

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