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Date Posted: Mon February 18, 2008 03:26:09
Author: Comicality
Subject: Very honest, thank you....
In reply to: Lemons 's message, "Rolling with the punches" on Wed February 13, 2008 23:08:13

And I definitely agree with the quote. All things permissable. Everything we do is 'evil' to somebody. I don't think ee can't really condemn our world, simply because we participate in the madness just by being alive. We're a part of it. I'm sure there's some homophobic small town preacher that thinks I'm what's wrong with this world, just I might think the same thing about him.

But...is there hope? Definitely. I'm not happywith the world either. Not by a long shot. And there are a lot of times when I feel like I can SEE the wrong, and sometimes even see the SOLUTION...but most people just refuse to recognize it. It's like they'd rather stay asleep and not have to worry about what's going on. Because being 'awake' leads to fear and frustration and the desire to 'do' something about it. And most people...just want to 'make the best of things' and avoid trouble.

That's the city of gold (as my uncle once told me years ago.). In the Bible, there's a story where Satan takes Jesus to a mountain top and shows him a kingdom of gold, and says it can all be yours if you just drop this 'cause' of yours and just pledge your allegience to me. When I think about that, I think a lot of people ignore theircalling or their highr nature or their need to make a change for that very same reason. "Don't go chasing your dreams and speaking out about what's wrong with the world. Get yourself comfortable. Settle in. Get a family, and a job that pays good money, maybe a dog and a white pickett fence. Submit...and just relax. Let the world handle itself. It's not your problem." I see it all the time, and it's terrifying. Because there are a lot of people out there that know how to use that promise of comfort to their advantage. And by the time they wake up, it'll be too late.

Anyway, your post just inspired some thoughts, that's all. Thanks dude. :)

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