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Date Posted: Fri September 24, 2010 17:00:10
Author: Comicality



- The term 'finite' was coined some time around the 20th century. It is a negative term that vampires use to describe human beings. Refering mostly to their severely limited lifespan. Mostly used by vampires who feel superior to human beings, but are forced to deal with them in one open situation or another. For business or a level of diplomacy and balance between both worlds. They are not allowed to take any form of violent action against them or to feed upon these humans for any reason whatsoever, but the slight hostility remains. While the much more 'polite' term of saying 'daylight','daylights', or 'daywalkers', in reference to the humans that know about the vampire population is preferred...in darkness, the term 'finite' is often used as a slang or an insult to put them down. It's a prejudice to describe the living. One to be taken to heart.

This slur has been known to increase tension between both species, and it is often seen as a 'curse word' among vampires and humans alike.

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